Discontinued Products
Discontinued Product Filter
- 2.4 GHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure 801825
- 2.4 GHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure Computer-Instrument 801826
- 2300 Particle Deposition System
- 2300NPT1/2300NPT2 Particle Deposition System
- 2300XP/2300XP1 Particle Deposition System
- 2940 FC1 Liquid Flow Controller
- 2940 FC2 Liquid Flow Controller
- 2940 FC3 Liquid Flow Controller
- 8020M Sampling Hose Kit 8017XX
- 8535 Cloud Data Management System 801901
- 8535 Spare DC Power Supply 90-130VAC,2.5A 801843
- 8537 Accessory Kit 801831
- 8537 Battery Mounting Kit 801845
- 8537 Heat Shield 801846
- 8537 Pole Mounting Kit 801844
- 922 MHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure, Computer- Instrument 801821
- 922 MHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure 801820
- AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8370
- AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8371
- AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8375
- AccuBalance Plus Air Capture Hood 8372
- AccuBalance Plus Air Capture Hood 8373
- Adapter Kit for 3M Scott Masks 8025-33
- Advanced Aerosol Neutralizer 3087
- Aero-Flow Automated Powder Flowability Analyzer 3250
- Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3310A
- Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3320
- Aerosizer DSP Particle Sizer Analyzer 3225
- Aerosizer LD Particle Sizer Analyzer 3230
- Aerosizer Particle Sizer Analyzer Mach II
- Aerosol Electrometer 3068A
- Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers Series 3800
- AeroTrak Handheld Particle Counter 8220
- AeroTrak Nanoparticle Aerosol Monitor 9000
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 8240
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 8260
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9310
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9350
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9500
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9510
- AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9550
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7000 Series
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7201
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7301
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7301-P
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7310
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7501
- AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7510
- Air Probe-10 AIRPROBE-10-120
- Air Probe-9 AIRPROBE-120
- AirAssure PM2.5-AD Indoor Air Quality Monitor IPM2.5-AD
- AirAssure PM2.5-NA Indoor Air Quality Monitor IPM2.5-NA
- Airflow Instruments Air and Gas Temperature Probe K type for ADT32
- Airflow Instruments Air and Gas Temperature Probe K type for TKD199
- Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Anemometer AV30
- Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Anemometer AV6
- Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT55
- Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT65
- Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT75
- Airflow Instruments Anemosonic Handheld Digital Ultrasonic Anemometer UA30
- Airflow Instruments Anemosonic Handheld Digital Ultrasonic Anemometer UA6
- Airflow Instruments CO2 Meter IAQ10
- Airflow Instruments Digital Barometer DB2
- Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM2
- Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM2L
- Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM30
- Airflow Instruments Digital Velocity and Volume Flow Meter LCA30VA
- Airflow Instruments Digital Velocity Meter TA35
- Airflow Instruments Electronic Manometer MEDM 5k
- Airflow Instruments Filter Loss Manometer AFL400
- Airflow Instruments Handheld Rotating Vane Anemometer LCA30VT
- Airflow Instruments High Velocity Ductwork Leakage Tester
- Airflow Instruments Inclined Manometer Type 504-125
- Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ50
- Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ910
- Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ920
- Airflow Instruments Liquid Industrial Manometers - Slim Jim - SJ39 Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer
- Airflow Instruments Low Velocity Ductwork Leakage Tester
- Airflow Instruments Micromanometer PVM100
- Airflow Instruments Micromanometers PH720
- Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460
- Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-A
- Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-P
- Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-X
- Airflow Instruments Output Convertor OC20
- Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation (PANDA) System PAN311 Series
- Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN321
- Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN331
- Airflow Instruments ProHood Capture Hood PH721
- Airflow Instruments Protective case for TA35
- Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane 35mm for AV6
- Airflow Instruments Rotating vane 35mm for EDRA and AV2
- Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane Anemometer AV2
- Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane EDRA6
- Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane Probe (35 mm) 496
- Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA2 Range
- Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA4
- Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA45
- Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA5
- Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer RH710
- Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer RH720
- Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer TH12
- AirPro AP500 Probe Extension - 12 in. (305 mm) 800529
- AirPro External Battery Charger 800530
- AirPro Micromanometer AP800
- AirPro Micromanometer AP800-AC
- AirPro Mobile
- AirPro Mobile - Advanced Feature Set - Long-Term - APFS-A-LTL
- AirPro Mobile - Advanced Feature Set -1 Year - APFS-A-AL
- AirPro Mobile - Professional Feature Set - 1 Year - APFS-P-AL
- AirPro Mobile - Professional Feature Set - Long-Term - APFS-P-LTL
- AirPro Temperature and Humidity Probe TH-S
- AirPro Temperature and Humidity Probe TH-S-AC
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VT-A
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VT-A-AC
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VTH-A
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VTH-A-AC
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VT-S
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VT-S-AC
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VTH-S
- AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VTH-S-AC
- AirPro Velocity Meter AP500
- AirProbe-10 Adapter Cable for EVM Environmental Monitors 074-083
- Alnor Air Velocity Meter 9870
- Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (General Purpose) AVT55
- Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (Omnidirectional) AVT75
- Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (Windowless) AVT65
- Alnor AirGard Air Flow Monitor 315-BSC
- Alnor AirGard Air Flow Monitor 350-CEM
- Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 200AG
- Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 335-D
- Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 405-D
- Alnor Balometer Capture Hood EBT721
- Alnor Balometer Jr. Capture Hood 342
- Alnor Balometer Jr. Capture Hood 343
- Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood 6461CFM
- Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood Model 6463CFM
- Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood Model 6465CFM
- Alnor Carbon Monoxide Analyzer CGA-801
- Alnor CO and Draft Combustion Gas Analyzer CGA-811
- Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer CGA-823
- Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, CO and Flue and Air Temperature CGA-813
- Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, CO, Draft and Flue and Air Temperature CGA-814
- Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, Flue and Air Temperature CGA-812
- Alnor CompuFlow CO2 Meter 8610
- Alnor CompuFlow CO2 Meter CF910
- Alnor CompuFlow IAQ Meter CF920
- Alnor CompuFlow Indoor Air Quality Meter 8650
- Alnor CompuFlow Indoor Air Quality Meter CF930
- Alnor CompuFlow Temperature and Humidity Meter 8612
- Alnor CompuFlow Temperature and Humidity Meter 8652
- Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8570
- Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8571
- Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8585
- Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8586
- Alnor Electronic Balometer with APM 150 Meter
- Alnor Fume Hood Monitor AirGard 385
- Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM650
- Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM670
- Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM680
- Alnor Hygrometer Probe 220B
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD510
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD530
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD540
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD542
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD550
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD560
- Alnor Micromanometer AXD562
- Alnor Micromanometer EBT720
- Alnor Oil Heat Combustion Analyzer Kit with Smoke Pump CGA-812-OH
- Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RV
- Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVA
- Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVA+
- Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVD
- Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVR
- Alnor Thermoanemometer Probe 175
- Alnor Thermoanemometer Probe 275
- Alnor Thermoanenometer 9850
- Alnor Thermohygrometer TH710
- Alnor Thermohygrometer TH720
- Alnor Velometer Anemometer Kit 6000AP
- Alnor Velometer Jr. Air Velocity Meter 8100A-16
- Alnor Velometer Jr. Air Velocity Meter 8100B-25
- Alnor Velometer Jr. Velocity Meter 8100-8
- Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer 9880D
- Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer 9880E
- Argon-Ion Laser 300mW LA70-2
- Argon-Ion Laser 5W LA70-5
- ASSURx Handheld Raman Analyzer
- Automated Filter Tester 3120
- Automated Filter Tester 3140
- Automated Filter Tester 8127
- Automated Filter Tester 8130
- Automated Filter Tester 8135
- Automated Filter Tester 8160
- Battery Charger 801686 for Battery 801681
- Battery Charger, 2 Bay- Aerotrak 9000
- Battery Holder 801588
- Battery Pack, 6-Cell AA 801736
- Bench Top Wind Tunnel 8390
- Bio-Acoustic Simulator BA-202-25
- Bitrix Fit Test Multi Cartridge, Box 805010
- Bitrix Sensitivity Cartridge, Box 805009
- Black Ribbon Cartridge for 8907 Card Printer 1204058
- CA-CALC Exhaust Gas Analyzer CA-6315
- CA-CALC Exhaust Gas Analyzer CA-6316
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6203
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6205
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6210
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6211
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6212
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6213
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6214
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6215
- CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6216
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6010
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6020
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6030
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6040
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6050
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6060
- CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6070
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-2 percent) with Circuit Board 802265
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-2 percent) without Circuit Board 802010
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-8 percent) without Circuit Board 802013
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor H2-Compensated (0-5000 ppm) with Circuit Board 802264
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor H2-Compensated (0-5000 ppm) without Circuit Board 802014
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor without Circuit Board 802006
- Certifier Air Velocity Calibrator 8392
- Certifier Flow Analyzer Plus Ventilator Test System 4080
- Certifier™ Plus Display Interface Module 4088
- ChemLine In-Line Metal Analyzer
- ChemLite Laser Aluminum Analyzer 4235
- ChemLite Plus Laser Metals Analyzer 4240
- ChemReveal LIBS Desktop Elemental Analyzer 3766
- Cloud Data Management Solution 8535
- CombuCheck Single Gas Monitor 8750
- Component Filter Test System 3150
- Computer Interface Cable 800563
- Condensation Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3470
- Condensation Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3472
- Condensation Particle Counter 3010
- Condensation Particle Counter 3010D
- Condensation Particle Counter 3022A
- Condensation Particle Counter 3025A
- Condensation Particle Counter 3760A
- Condensation Particle Counter 3762
- Condensation Particle Counter 3771
- Condensation Particle Counter 3772
- Condensation Particle Counter 3775
- Condensation Particle Counter 3776
- Constant Output Atomizer 3075
- CPCount Software 390081
- Differential Mobility Analyzer 3081
- Differential Mobility Analyzer 3085
- Diffusion Battery 3040
- Diffusion Battery 3041
- Diffusion Battery Switching Valve 3042A
- Diffusional Particle Sizer (DPS) System
- Digital Control Unit 379032A
- DP-CALC Micromanometer 8702
- DP-CALC Micromanometer 8704
- DP-CALC Micromanometer 8705
- DP-CALC Micromanometers 8710
- DustTrak Aerosol Monitor 8520
- DUSTTRAK Environmental Enclosure 8537
- DustTrak Mobile App 801903
- Edge 3 Personal Noise Dosimeter
- Edge 4 Personal Noise Dosimeter
- Electrical Aerosol Detector 3070A
- Electrostatic Classifier 3071A
- Electrostatic Classifier 3080L
- Electrostatic Classifier 3080N
- Environmental Enclosure Respirable Sampling Inlet 801506
- Environmental Sampling System 3031200
- EVERWATCH Face Velocity Monitor 8612
- EVERWATCH Fume Hood Monitor 8610
- EVERWATCH Room Pressure Monitor 8620
- EZRaman-I Series High Performance Portable Raman Analyzer
- EZRaman-N Series Affordable Raman Spectrometer
- EZRaman-NP Series Portable Raman Spectrometer
- Filtered Air Supply 3074
- FitPro Plus Fit Test Software 7001233
- Flow Meter, Rotameter, 2.5 LPM 800669
- FlowSizer Data Acquisition Analysis Software 4.3 1090067
- FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with LDV capture and processing
- FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with LDV capture, processing, RMR and Analog input
- FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with PDPA capture and processing
- FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with PDPA capture, processing, RMR and Analog input
- Fluidized Bed Aerosol Generator 3400A
- Fluorescence Aerosol Particle Sensor 3313
- Fog Generator 9308
- Fogger 2001-115V
- Fogger 2001-230V
- FSA Signal Processors for LDV Systems FSA4000-X
- FSA Signal Processors for PDPA Systems FSA4000-XP
- FSA Silicone Rubber O-Rings 0001-01-8334
- FSA3500-1
- FSA3500-1P
- FSA3500-2
- FSA3500-2P
- FSA3500-3
- FSA3500-3P
- FSA4000-1
- FSA4000-1P
- FSA4000-2
- FSA4000-2P
- FSA4000-3
- FSA4000-3P
- GasRaman NOCH-1 High Performance
- GasRaman NOCH-2
- General Purpose Water-Based Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3787
- Gentle Rocker 20rpm
- Gentle Rocker 40rpm
- HFI High Flow Impactors 128, 129, 130A, 130B, 131A
- High Output Corn Oil Aerosol Generator 2045S
- High Output PSL Aerosol Generator 2045
- IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8732
- IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8760
- IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8762
- IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meters 7535
- Imaging System for PLIF Measurements
- Impactor Flow Controller 120FC
- Insight Software Version 6
- Insight Software Version 6S
- InspectAir CO2 Meter 8560
- Integrating Nephelometer 3563
- Itasca Solid State Laser Module 6010070
- Itasca-based LDV System
- Itasca-based PDPA System
- Laser - YAG30-15
- Laser Aerosol Spectrometer 3340
- Laser Particle Counter 3753A
- Laser Photometer 8587
- Laser Power Meters 900702
- Laser Safety Glasses 10967
- LaserPulse Light Arm 610015
- LaserPulse Synchronizer 610034
- LaserPulse Synchronizer 610035
- Low-Flow Thermodenuder 3065
- MacroIMS Macroion Mobility Spectrometer 3980
- MacroIMS Macroion Mobility Spectrometer 3982
- Magnetic Protective Boot for Combustion Analyzers (801995)
- Mass Flow Meter 40211
- Mass Flow Meter 40212
- Mass Flow Meter 40241
- Mass Flow Meter 40242
- Mass Flow Meter 40246
- Mass Flow Meter 41211
- Mass Flow Meter 41212
- Mass Flow Meter 41213
- Mass Flow Meter 41216
- Mass Flow Meter 41221
- Mass Flow Meter 41222
- Mass Flow Meter 41226
- Mass Flow Meter 4225
- Mass Flow Meter 4226
- Mass Flow Meter 4235
- Mass Flow Meter Digital with Display 3063
- Micro Bubble Generator BG-1000
- MicroPIV
- MicroPIV Optical Lens Assembly 610048
- Microscope Objective Lenses 610051-4x
- MicroSense- I Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-I
- MicroSense- L Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-L
- MicroSense- Lab Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-LAB
- MicroSense- N Series Low Cost Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-N
- MicroViewer Microscope MVIEWER-532MRA
- Mini-MOUDI Impactors 135-6A, 135-8A, 135-10A
- Miniature Black Carbon Monitor Model AE51
- Monosize Droplet Generator MDG100
- MOUDI Cascade Impactors 100R and 110R
- MOUDI Impactor 100NR
- MOUDI-II Impactor 122R
- MSP Vacuum Pump for Impactor MOUDI Model 100S4 0100-01-0079
- MSP Vacuum Pump for Model 122R Nano MOUDI II Impactor 0122-01-2016
- MSP Vacuum Pumps for Model 135-10 Mini MOUDI Impactors 0135-01-0100
- Nano Water-Based Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3788
- Nanometer Aerosol Sampler 3089
- Nanoparticle Emission Tester 3795
- Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor 3550
- NGI Assistant
- Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor with Circuit Board 802266
- Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor without Circuit Board 802007
- NoisePro DL Noise Dosimeters
- NoisePro DLX Noise Dosimeters
- NoisePro DLX-1 Noise Dosimeters
- NoisePro NP Noise Dosimeters
- Particle Size Distribution Analyzer 3603
- Pendant Interconnect Tube 801502
- Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 3500
- Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 5500
- Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 8510
- PIV System 2D Measurement
- PIV System Global Sizing Velocimeter (GSV)
- Polarization Axis Finder 10901A
- PolyMax Plastics Analyzer
- Portable Printer 8925
- Portable Printer 8928
- PortaCount Plus Respirator Fit Tester 8028
- PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8010
- PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8020
- PortaCount® Respirator Fit Tester 8030
- PortaCount® Respirator Fit Tester 8038
- Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN221
- Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN221-110
- PowerSight-based LDV System
- PowerSight-based PDPA System
- PowerView 1.4MP Camera 630066
- PowerView HS-2000 Camera
- PowerView HS-650 Camera
- PowerView Plus 11MP Camera 630062
- PowerView Plus 2MP Camera
- PowerView Plus 4MP Camera 630059
- PowerView Plus HS-200 Camera
- PresSura Cleanroom Monitors 8630-CRM
- PresSura Cleanroom Monitors 8631-CRM
- PresSura Cleanroom Pressure Controllers 8630-CRC
- PresSura Cleanroom Pressure Controllers 8631-CRC
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8630-PC
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8630-SC
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8631-HC
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8631-HC-BAC
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8630-PM
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8630-SM
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8631-HM
- PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8631-HM-BAC
- Probe Adapter Kit 801970
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 25 ft. Hose 801950
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 4 ft. Hose 801998
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801989
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801990
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801991
- Probe Assembly - 12 in. SST, 4 ft. Hose 801993
- Probe Support 1150-36, Single Sensor, 36 inches long
- Probe Support 1154-15, with 15 ft Cable, 2 Sensors
- Probe Support 1155-36, 2 Sensors, 36 inches Long
- Probe Support 1160-18, Hitemp, 18 inches Long
- Probe Support 1160-6, Hitemp, 6 inches Long
- ProRaman- W Series Industrial Process Raman Spectrometer
- ProRaman-L High Performance Raman Spectrometer
- ProtectAir Multi-Gas Monitor 8570
- Protective Case 800536 for AirPro® Probe
- Pump Kit for Combustion Analyzers 801996
- Q-Check CO2 Meter 8730
- Q-Check CO2 Meter 8731
- Q-Stat CO2 and Temperature Monitor 8700
- Q-Stat CO2 and Temperature Monitor 8701
- Q-Trak IAQ Monitor 8550
- Q-Trak IAQ Monitor 8551
- Q-Trak Indoor Air Quality Monitor 7565
- Q-Trak Plus IAQ Monitor 8552
- Q-Trak Plus IAQ Monitor 8554
- Qfit Automatic Respirator Fit Tester - Basic Kit 805002
- Qfit Automatic Respirator Fit Tester - Deluxe Kit 805001
- Qfit Elbow 805008
- Qfit External Battery Charger 805018
- Qfit Hood 805005
- Qfit Manual Respirator Fit Tester - Basic Kit 805004
- Qfit Manual Respirator Fit Tester - Deluxe Kit 805003
- Qfit Power Supply 805007
- Qfit Rechargeable Battery 805006
- Quantitative Flow Visualization Systems
- QUESTemp II Personal Heat Stress Monitor
- Quest™ Edge 5 Personal Noise Dosimeter
- Real-Time Fiber Monitor 7400
- Remote Handheld Nebulizer 805015
- Remote Processor 3703A
- Respicon Particle Sampler 8522
- Respirator Leak Tester 8119
- Right Angle Adaptor (Dual Sensor) 1157
- Right Angle Adaptor (For 1240) 1157A
- Right Angle Adaptor (Single Sensor) 1152
- Rotating Disk Thermodiluter 379020A
- Rotating Disk Thermodiluter 379021
- Rotating Disk Thermodiluter and Thermal Conditioner 379020A-30
- Rotating Vane Air Velocity Probe 496
- Sampling Pendant 801500
- Sampling Pendant Purge Kit 801631
- Sampling System for Atmospheric Aerosol Model - 3772200
- Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3034
- Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3934
- Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3936
- Seed Particles 1.1 Micron Psl per 15 ml 10085A
- Seed Particles and Particle Generators 10091
- Seed Particles Gls-Hlw-Ag, Md=8-12,100cc 10089-SLVR
- Seed Particles Glss-Hllw Md=8-12 1ltr 10089
- Seed Particles Metallic Coated Particles 10087
- Seed Particles Nylon Particles - 4um (400cc) 10084
- SidePak Personal Aerosol Monitor AM510
- SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP330
- SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP350
- SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP530
- SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP730
- Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ12
- Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ24
- Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ8
- Small-Scale Powder Disperser 3433
- SS Probe Filters (Packet of 4 Filters and 4 Collars)
- Stereo PIV System
- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor with Circuit Board 802268
- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor without Circuit Board 802009
- Supermicrometer Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3941
- SureFlow Adaptive Offset Controller 8681
- SureFlow Adaptive Offset Controller 8682
- SureFlow Face Velocity Controller 8640
- SureFlow Fume Hood Face Velocity Controller 8650
- SureFlow Room Pressure Control 8635-C
- SureFlow Room Pressure Controller 8670
- SureFlow Room Pressure Controller 8680
- TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 7415
- TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 7425
- TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 8720
- TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 8722
- Thermal Anemometry Systems
- Thermal Anemometry Traverses T1D
- Thiamis 1000 Cloud Data Management System 801905
- Time Resolved PIV System
- Traverse Systems T2D
- Tripod for Isokinetic Probe 3000192
- Turbo Vaporizer 2800
- Turbo Vaporizer 2800PE
- Turbo Vaporizer 2801PE
- Turbo Vaporizer 2820
- Turbo Vaporizer 2820D
- Turbo Vaporizer 2840PE
- Turbo Vaporizer 2841PE
- Turbo Vaporizer 2860PE
- Turning Mirror Sets OPT1000M
- Twin-Tube Sampling Hose Kit 801501
- Ultrafine Condensation Particle Counter 3776
- Ultrafine Particle Monitor 3031
- Ultrafine Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3786
- Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (UV-APS) 3314
- Universal AC DC Adapter 800531
- V3V System 9000 Series: Volumetric 3-Component Velocimetry
- V3V-Flex Volumetric PIV Systems
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8345
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8346
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8347
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8347A
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8350
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8355
- VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8357
- VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555
- VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-A
- VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-P
- VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-X
- VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8360
- VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8382
- VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8383
- VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8388
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8384
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8384A
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8385
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8385A
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8386
- VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8386A
- VelociCalc Rotating Vane Air Velocity Meter 8321
- VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer 8322
- VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer 8324
- VelociCheck Air Velocity Meter 8330
- VelociCheck Air Velocity Meter 8340
- Vibrating Orifice Aerosol Generator 3450