Sampling System for Atmospheric Aerosol Model - 3772200

Model Number: 3772200

Sampling from ambient air is not trivial. Conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind speeds and wind direction are variable. Furthermore, diffusion losses particularly from the smallest particles can significantly change measurement results.

The Technical Specification CEN*/TS 16976 aims at harmonizing the continuous measurement of particle number concentration in ambient air. It describes a standardized method not only for the Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), but also for its sampling and conditioning system.


*A newer model of this product is now available.

Product Details

The Model 3772200 sampling system for atmospheric aerosol is designed to match the requirements of CEN/TS 16976.

Features and Benefits

  • CEN/TS 16976 compliant
  • Sampling and conditioning in one system
  • Less than 30% diffusion losses for 7 nm particles
  • Efficient & low maintenance aerosol drying
  • Built-in dilution
  • Fast setup
  • Adds temperature and relative humidity logging to model 3772-CEN CPC