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Ultrafine Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3786

Model Number: 3786

This instrument has been discontinued as of January 1, 2010.

*A newer model of this product is now available.

Product Details

The Model 3786 Ultrafine Water-based Condensation Particle Counter (UWCPC) is designed primarily for researchers who are interested in airborne particles smaller than 20 nanometers. It detects particles down to 2.5 nm, and it has a high sample flow rate (0.3 L/min) for very good counting statistics.

Patented technology enables this particle counter to use water as a condensing fluid to enlarge submicrometer particles so they can be detected easily. The Model 3786 also offers fast response, a sheath-air flow design that minimizes diffusion losses and produces a sharp lower cutpoint, and single particle counting with continuous, live-time coincidence correction. Particle concentration, total counts, or plots of concentration versus time can be displayed on the front panel. The Model 3786 is compatible with SMPS systems and TSI's Aerosol Instrument Manager® software.


  • Particle formation and growth studies
  • Health effects studies
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Nanotechnology research
  • Atmospheric and climate research
  • Mobile aerosol studies

Included Items

  • Aerosol Instrument Manager software

Features & Benefits

  • Fast response
  • Wide, dynamic, particle-concentration range
  • Uses water as condensing fluid
  • Compatible with SMPS systems
  • Detects particles down to 2.5 nm