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Particle Deposition Systems

Today's Standards for Tomorrow's Yield

Particle Deposition Systems

2300G3A Particle Deposition System

MSP’s 2300G3 Particle Deposition System sets the standards for wafer inspection and metrology equipment. This advanced tool is vital for increasing the yield of future leading-edge devices, while meeting the measurement needs of today.

Accurate. Repeatable. Consistent.

The 2300G3 Particle Deposition System deposits PSL spheres, MSP’s NanoSilica™ Size Standards, and other SiO2 particles to produce contamination standards with SI traceability. These standards calibrate and qualify your wafer inspection tools for use in semiconductor device manufacturing.

Deposited particle size and count are controlled with precision, accuracy, and repeatability so the contamination standards are consistent from substrate to substrate.

The Model 2300G3 also deposits particles generated from MSP Process Particles™ Suspensions to help characterize the material dependence of inspection/metrology tool response to defects.

Advanced inspection systems are required to detect tiny defects, and this is where particle deposition comes into play.Advancing Semiconductor Inspection Tools: Precision 10nm Particle Deposition

Identification and classification of defects as small as 10 nm are essential for maintaining high yields and quality. Detecting such tiny defects poses significant challenges. Learn how to overcome these challenges.

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Applicable to All Models

Particle Types Particle Size Range (Three Versions) Particle Size Accuracy
  • 10 nm to 2000 nm, DMA-classified
  • 20 nm to 2000 nm, DMA-classified
  • 30 nm to 2000 nm, DMA-classified
  • ±0.5 nm (Dp ≤ 50 nm)
  • ±1% of peak diameter (Dp > 50 nm)

(Not including uncertainty intrinsic to the particle reference materials used for calibration of the DMAs.)

Auto-Load 20 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3A - 20 nm

This fully automated particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 20 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom 300 mm and 200 mm contamination standards. Robotic wafer handling allows up to 25 wafers to be processed in a single control job, increasing productivity in your metrology operations and improving product yield.

Manual-Load 20 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3M - 20nm

This manually-loaded particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 20 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom contamination standards. Manual loading allows a wide range of substrates to be deposited including 150 mm, 200 mm, and 300 mm wafers, supporting of all of your wafer metrology applications and improving product yield.

Auto-Load 10 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3A - 10 nm

This fully automated particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 10 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom 300 mm and 200 mm contamination standards. Robotic wafer handling allows up to 25 wafers to be processed in a single control job, increasing productivity in your metrology operations and improving product yield.

Manual-Load 10 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3M - 10 nm

This manually-loaded particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 10 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom contamination standards. Manual loading allows a wide range of substrates to be deposited including 150 mm, 200 mm, and 300 mm wafers, supporting of all of your wafer metrology applications and improving product yield.

Manual-Load 30 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3M – 30nm

This manually-loaded particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 30 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom contamination standards. Manual loading allows a wide range of substrates to be deposited including 150 mm, 200 mm, and 300 mm wafers, supporting of all of your wafer metrology applications and improving product yield.