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Environmental Particle Counters

Traditionally, researchers have used gravimetry to measure particulate mass (PM) rather than environmental particle counters

Environmental Particle Counters

Recent research has uncovered that large amounts of small airborne particles may be present from sources like traffic, residential heating, but they contribute little to particulate mass. Today, monitoring networks increasingly use Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs). These tools supplement gravimetric PM measurements with real-time measurements of particle number concentration.

TSI’s line of environmental particle counters are in use around the world, accurately measuring and reliably reporting atmospheric particle concentrations. Our water-based 3783 Environmental Particle Counter operates 24/7 for up to four weeks on one liter of water, making it ideal for low interaction settings such a remote monitoring stations. For customers who must meet stringent requirements for data comparability, use model 3750-CEN, a butanol-based CPC that complies with European specification EN 16976 (formerly known as the Technical Specification CEN/TS 16976, and established by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN)). Discover which TSI environmental particle counter best fits your need by clicking on the product tiles below!

Environmental Particle Counter 3783

Ultrafine particles are omnipresent in our atmosphere, and their number concentration can be very strongly influenced by weather and local particle sources, such as traffic. The Model 3783 Environmental Particle Counter was developed especially for near-freeway monitoring, i.e. continuous observation in high-concentration environments.

Condensation Particle Counter 3750-10

The Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3750-10 is designed to ensure precise monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) in the atmosphere, meeting the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

Condensation Particle Counter 3750-CEN10

The Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3750-CEN10 is designed in full compliance with EN 16976:2024*. This CPC ensures precise monitoring of ultrafine particles (UFPs) in the atmosphere, meeting the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.