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COVID-19 and TSI

We know you have questions. TSI has answers.

COVID-19 and TSI Questions and Answers

Every day, TSI experts answer questions about particle science, respiratory protection, fluid mechanics, airflow and air pressure, and other fields and applications. Every day, solutions developed by our scientists and engineers are helping us learn more about virus transmission and infection prevention.

I have questions about . . .

 Respiratory protection

 What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative respirator fit testing?
 What fit testing method works best for all respirators?
 How can I better train my staff to wear respirators correctly?
 Other respiratory protection questions


 Aerosol and particle research

How well do different filter materials protect you?
How do I collect size-segregated aerosol samples for biological analysis?
Other aerosol and particle research questions


 Monitoring my workers' safety while social distancing

 How do I monitor worker noise exposure while social distancing?
 Other questions about safety monitoring and social distancing


 Controlling the spread of infections

 How can I isolate COVID patients in my facility?
 Other questions about controlling the spread of infections


 Indoor air quality during COVID-19

 Before we reopen my building to occupants, what should I consider about the ventilation system?
 Is there a link between humidity and virus transmission?
 Will increasing my filter efficiency help reduce the virus concentration?
 How do I know if my air purification systems are working?
 Other questions about indoor air quality and COVID-19


 COVID's effect on outdoor air quality

 How has air quality been affected by the COVID-19 shutdown?
 What symptoms of poor outdoor air quality overlap with COVID-19? Who is most at risk?
 In regards to COVID-19, why is outdoor air “better” than indoor air?
 Other questions about the pandemic's impact on air quality


 Testing equipment and materials

 Why is ventilator testing important?
 Other questions about testing equipment, devices, and materials


 Scaling up Vaccine Production

 With increased capacity, how should my environmental monitoring program change? 
 Other questions about pharmaceutical and aseptic manufacturing

Can we answer a question for you?