Product Details
The FMAG 1520 uses the aerodynamic flow-focusing effect to accurately control the diameter of a liquid jet for generating monodisperse droplets from 17 - 90 µm in diameter, which are then dried to produce particles from 0.8 to 12 µm in diameter. In normal operation, a stream of liquid flowing out of a 100-µm-diameter nozzle is stretched to a much thinner stream by the focusing gas flow. The resulting thin liquid jet then breaks up into uniform-sized droplets after passing through a vibrating ceramic aerosol generation head. The large 100-µm-diameter nozzle in the FMAG enables aerosol generation over extended periods of time without experiencing nozzle clogging problems, and at a very low liquid pressure. This low shear stress generally enables biological cells to remain viable, even after dispersion as uniform particles.
A variety of solid and liquid particles of a uniform and accurately known particle diameter can be generated to provide laboratory standard aerosols for calibrating droplet and aerosol particle sizing instruments, animal exposure studies, biological aerosol characterization, or other studies where micron-scale and highly monodisperse particles are needed.
- Calibration of optical aerosol spectrometers
- Calibration of inertial impactors
- Generation of biological aerosols
- Generation of aerosols for animal exposure studies
- Calibration of droplet sizing instruments
Features and Benefits
- Generate monodisperse droplets by a combination of aerodynamic flow-focusing and periodic mechanical perturbation
- Generate monodisperse aerosol particles of an accurately known particle diameter
- Low shear stress, non-clogging design
- Built-in bipolar corona aerosol neutralizer (no radioactive)
- An easy-to-use instrument with advanced touch-screen control and user-friendly features