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Personal Impactors 200 Series

Model Number: 0200-01-1001

The Personal Impactor is a lightweight personal sampler for collecting airborne particles in the PM2.5 and PM10 size ranges. PM2.5 and PM10 particles are airborne particles less than 2.5 µm and 10 µm. They are frequently used to provide a measure of airborne particle concentration for studying for potential health effects or airborne particles in the indoor and outdoor environment.

Product Details

The 200 Series Personal Impactors are small, lightweight personal samplers with a high loading capacity. These samplers can be operated with a sample pump. Applications include PM2.5 and PM10 particle exposure studies in industrial, commercial and residential settings.*

An aerosol sample enters the sampler through a multi-nozzle, single-stage impactor to remove particles with aerodynamic equivalent diameter larger than 2.5µm and 10µm in diameter. Particles smaller than the impactor cut-size collect on a 37mm diameter filter of choice. The collected particles can be analyzed gravimetrically to determine the airborne particle mass or analyzed for specific chemical compounds.

Models & options

The Personal Impactors are available in a range of models. Choose the right flow rate, cut point, and pressure drop for your application. Request a quote for the model or models best for you.

Part Number Model Number Flow Rate (L/min) Cut Point (µm) Color Pressure Drop† (in wg) 
0200-01-1001 PEM-2-2.5 2 2.5 Blue 1.37
0200-01-1003 PEM-4-2.5 4 2.5 Black 2.73
0200-01-1005 PEM-10-2.5 10 2.5 Red 6.83
0200-01-1002 PEM-2-10 2 10 Green 1.37
0200-01-1004 PEM-4-10 4 10 Gold 2.73
0200-01-1007 PEM-10-10 10 10 Orange 6.83

†Vacuum measured at hose-barb with glass fiber filter in place

Features and Benefits

  • Can be operated with a personal sampling pump
  • Personal PM2.5 or PM10 sampling for exposure assessment
  • Indoor/outdoor air pollution studies
  • Indoor/outdoor air quality assessment
  • Personal sampling for industrial hygiene applications

Related Resources

  • Manuals
  • Spec Sheets