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Edge 4 Plus 个人噪声剂量计

商品编号: EG4P-D-AC3

EDGE 4 Plus 个人噪声剂量计提供了一个紧凑的框架和彩色屏幕,以一种轻量级的,符合人体工程学的方式来监测噪声水平。蓝牙®连接允许用户从EDGE DB应用程序监控多个剂量计。

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EDGE 4+噪声剂量计允许用户通过移动应用程序实时监测蓝牙范围内的个人噪声暴露水平。从安全距离进行监控的能力允许工人在各种工作环境中无中断地继续执行任务。



  • 制造业
  • 安全顾问
  • 政府
  • 能源/公用事业
  • 机场
  • 主题公园和娱乐设施



  • 附加挡风玻璃
  • 校准麦克风适配器
  • 硬塑料手提箱
  • 快速入门指南
  • USB产品手册
  • *附加套件选项包括扩展底座和AC-300校准器


  • 电池寿命-60小时,显示超时启用(20小时,没有显示超时启用)。
  • 麦克风-1/4英寸预极化电容器(驻极体)现场可更换螺纹麦克风
  • 测量范围-70分贝-140分贝
  • 剂量计-两个独立的剂量计
  • 方便的预设–根据OSHA和ACGIH标准进行预编程
  • 频率加权–A、C、Z
  • 独立汇率-3分贝、4分贝或5分贝


Edge dB移动应用程序允许用户在平板电脑或智能手机上从安全距离监测工人的噪音暴露。

  • 从远处监测多个剂量计,尽量减少对佩戴仪器者的干扰
  • 使用户免受潜在危险的噪音水平
  • 移动APP兼容iOS版本10.0以上,安卓版本4.3以上

Edge 4+个人噪声剂量计是一种强大和直观的仪器,旨在识别听力损失威胁。

  • 蓝牙选项同步到边缘4移动应用程序,用于管理各种剂量计功能和查看噪音曝光测量
  • 紧凑,3盎司(85克)单位安装容易到肩膀
  • 大彩色OLED显示器,便于阅读
  • 超过剂量水平时,LED剂量指示器闪光
  • 配备了两个独立的剂量计,可以同时衡量不同的行业标准
  • 可配置的自动显示器关闭,以增加电池寿命
  • 预先设定为OSHA标准-针对OSHA遵守规定的措施
  • 锁定能力-防止用户无意中终止一项研究
  • 检测管理软件 -配置剂量计,并直观地解释测量值和生成报告导出和共享的结果


Edge dB移动应用程序允许用户在平板电脑或智能手机上从安全距离监控工人噪音暴露。

  • 远距离监测多个剂量计,尽量减少对佩戴仪器的人员的干扰。
  • 使用户免受潜在危险噪音水平的影响
  • 移动应用程序与iOS 9.0或更高版本以及Android 4.3或更高版本兼容。

EDGE 4+个人噪声剂量计是一种功能强大、直观的仪器,用于识别听力损失威胁。

  • 蓝牙选项与Edge 4+移动应用程序同步,用于管理各种剂量计功能和查看噪声暴露测量值。
  • 紧凑型,3盎司(85克)单位, 易于安装在肩膀上。
  • 大型彩色OLED显示屏,方便阅读
  • 当超过剂量水平时,LED剂量指示器闪烁
  • 配备两个独立的剂量计,可根据单独的行业标准同时测量
  • 可配置自动显示关闭,延长电池寿命
  • 按照OSHA标准进行预编程-针对OSHA合规性法规的措施
  • 锁定能力-防止用户无意中终止研究
  • 检测管理软件-配置剂量计,并直观地解释测量结果,生成输出和结果共享报告


  • 应用笔记
  • 图册
  • 常见问题解答
  • 说明书
  • 快速指南
  • 技术规格表
  • 视频


Can I share the current results summary information to someone from the App?

Yes, the results summary and calibration history data can be sent via email.

To send the data:

  1. Select the dosimeter of interest from the list of dosimeters in the home screen of the App.
  2. Select the three-dot menu option in the top right of the screen.
  3. Select Send Email Summary at the bottom of the screen. Choose the email account you want to send the email from.
  4. An email will automatically populate with the dosimeter results summary and settings information.

How do I adjust the dosimeter’s auto-shutoff display timer to save battery life?

  1. Open Detection Management Software (DMS) and click Setup.
  2. Select the noise dosimeter that you would like to change the timer for in DMS.
  3. Click on the BLE Communications tab in the top of the Setup window.
  4. Use the Display Timeout setting’s up or down arrow to change the number of seconds it takes the screen to shutoff, or simply type in the number of seconds into the box.
  5. Click Set Configuration.
  6. Click OK.

How do I know the dosimeter settings I set up on my smart device were sent to the dosimeter?

If the dosimeter fails to receive any BLE command, Edge dB will report the first command that failed in a popup. Note that the “Send Config” button will send all of the user’s settings from the four tabs of the Setup page. In the Misc-Setup page, the “Set Date-Time” and “Set Identity” buttons send only the date-time and identity, respectively.

How does the Edge 4+ dosimeter connect to my tablet or phone?

The connection is made through Bluetooth® technology. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on in your mobile device settings. When Edge dB is open, it will automatically detect dosimeters that are within the connection range. Select the dosimeter in the list you want to connect to. The distance range for Bluetooth connection is up to 80 feet (25 meters) in a non-obstructed area that is free of frequency interference.

Is the Bluetooth connection between my smart device and the dosimeter private?

Other smart devices with the Edge dB App installed and within Bluetooth connection range (80 feet, 25 meters) will be able to view and connect to the Edge 4+ dosimeter. 

What devices does the Edge dB App for the Edge 4+ Noise Dosimeter work with and how do I download it?

Edge dB will work with tablets and smart phones running Apple® iOS 10.0 or newer or Android™ 4.3 or newer. Edge dB is available to download free of charge from Apple’s App Store and Google Play by searching for “Edge dB”.

Who do I contact if I have technical problems with Edge dB App or my Edge 4+ noise dosimeter?

Please contact TSI technical service at: technical.services@tsi.com or 800-680-1220.

Why is the dosimeter not showing up in Edge dB?

  1. Verify Bluetooth is turned on.
  2. Make sure you are in range for the Bluetooth signal to establish communications between the dosimeter and your smart device. Try moving closer to the dosimeter if it is not being detected.
  3. Press the refresh button in the Edge dB App to initiate a new scan for dosimeters in the area rather than wait until the next auto-scan interval.
  4. If still unable to view dosimeter, exit out of Edge dB and close it.
  5. Then, reopen Edge dB to try and establish a connection.