TSI's Engine Emissions team presenting posters in March

TSI engine emissions team is presenting research posters in MarchSpring brings tradeshows and conferences of all kinds, particularly for our scientists and engineers who work with particles, aerosols, and emissions.

Two important March conferences for emissions researchers will feature TSI poster presentations. 

  • At the 29th CRC Real World Emissions Workshop in Long Beach, California March 10-13, TSI will be exhibiting. Our team will be presenting the poster, "Variable Partial Flow Dilution and Conditioning System for TSI Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer (EEPS)," by TSI's Robert Anderson, Aaron Avenido, Jason Johnson, and Francisco Romay, and co-authors Russell Graze of Sierra Instruments and Darrick Zarling of the University of Minnesota.
  • At the 10th VERT Forum in Switzerland on March 14, TSI's Dr. Jürgen Spielvogel will present research at 12:15 in the NPTI — Requirements, Solutions, and Large New Markets for High-Tech PN Instruments session. His presentation is titled "CPC Technology and its application in vehicle emissions testing."

We look forward to seeing friends and customers in Long Beach and Dübendorf this month!

TSI instruments are used in the research and development of better engines and after-treatment systems, like Diesel-Particulate Filters (DPF) or Gasoline Particulate Filters (GPF). Learn more about TSI Engine Emissions research and instruments.

Posted on 2/28/2019

Filed under: Research & Academia