Manufacturing & Business


Exploring the World of Filter Testing: A Recap of the 2023 Filtration Workshop

The 2023 Filtration Workshop held at TSI Headquarters in Shoreview, MN, was a resounding success. The workshop brought together professionals seeking to broaden their understanding of filter testing principles, methods, and instrumentation. With a lineup of informative presentations and hands-on lab sessions, participants had the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of mask, media, and fractional filter testing. Let's take a moment to recap the key highlights and insights from this exceptional event.


MSP’s New Contamination Standards

The lifecycle of a semiconductor manufacturing inspection system starts in research & development, transitions to manufacturing and production once the design is complete, and is then sold to the customer for use in their fab. Each step of this journey requires stringent testing to ensure the inspection tool is functioning properly.


DICKEY-john for Dinner: How the Auburn Ag Company Puts Food on Illinois Tables

DICKEY-john is a global manufacturing company specializing in innovative electronics for agriculture and OEMs. It’s also a wholly owned subsidiary of TSI. With over 50 years in business, DICKEY-john has built many meaningful traditions that incorporate the farming way of life. Here’s one of our favorites.