TSI develops and manufactures an industrial laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) sensor that measures elemental concentrations in metal. The ChemLine sensor integrates with a scrap sorting system manufactured by Austin AI. Together, the sensor and the system enable fast, high-volume scrap metal sorting.
Recently, ChemLine sensors have found new homes with global scrap and aluminum processing clients. Global Marketing Manager Todd Hardwick said, "The ChemLine is a breakthrough for scrap sorting. Its speed and accuracy allows customers to sort aluminum alloys that were not possible with x-ray technology. This helps our customers produce sellable alloy packages from mixed metals. We’re excited to see customers benefiting from LIBS technology in this new way.”
How ChemLine sorts >5 tons of scrap per hour
In the sorting system, scrap pieces move 3 meters per second. The ChemLine sensor measures each piece as it passes through, detecting the elemental concentrations or base metal of the material.
In 2018, one of the world's largest aluminum recyclers selected and installed the TSI / Austin AI system in their facility. It was the world’s first LIBS automatic scrap sorting system in production that separates aluminum alloys at a faster rate than 5 tons per hour (TPH). The aluminum industry is investigating ways to use the ChemLine system to increase their recycled aluminum usage.
Customizable for specific metals
Since the first ChemLine began operating, we’ve helped customers install the system in multiple locations around the world. In addition to standard classifications, owners of the system can configure unique sorting algorithms. Some successful implementation examples include:
- 5,XXX from 6,XXX alloys
- Wrought from cast alloys
- Sorting based on specific element concentration High or Low: Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Si
- Sort Zorba, Twitch, or production scrap
TSI LIBS experts can develop applications to suit your specifications. If you’re interested in seeing a ChemLine automatic scrap sorting system in action, contact a TSI representative. We’ll arrange a demo at our corporate headquarters in Shoreview, MN.