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Office Buildings

Detect IAQ inconsistencies in the workplace


Poor IAQ is linked to Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and reduced productivity for managers and their employees. Continuously monitoring certain IAQ parameters will provide insight on the general health of your indoor air, helping to prevent SBS and other health related issues. Many organizations are also ramping up pressure on commercial buildings to increase IAQ monitoring and reporting. All of this helps to verify the health of your air and keep you well ahead of SBS — while providing the documentation to keep you in compliance with the governing bodies that oversee commercial IAQ.

Common sources of indoor air pollution within office buildings: 

  • Synthetic building materials and furnishings
  • Printers and copier machines
  • Cleaning chemicals and aerosol sprays
  • Industrial areas with welding fumes
  • Loading docks with idling trucks emitting exhaust

Identify risk factors before they become a problem.

Expectations for better indoor air quality and building efficiency including a healthier working environment are putting increased demands on buildings. Building owners and facility managers are able to measure the quality of their buildings air to determine the solutions needed to improve the health of their building and reduce the spread of poor-quality inducing contaminants.