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Hotels and Restaurants

Ensure guests are breathing fresh air without doubt

Get familiarized with your building's air pollution with IAQ monitoring

As people become more aware of the risks of pollution they are more likely to demand businesses to provide clean air solutions. More densely populated areas, such as big cities are likely to attract hotel guests along with the likelihood of higher pollution levels. The more people are assured of clean air, the more comfortable they will be staying in your hotel or other accomodation. 

Maintaining good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important for hotels for various reasons of which could impact the property’s overall growth. 

Decreasing operating costs by reducing energy consumption helps decrease your carbon footprint while maintaining your hotels HVAC systems and improving the overall air quality of your hotel. 

  • Staff Productivity: Being uncomfortable impairs the efficiency and effectiveness of their work - disturbing their concentration, productivity and how they interact with hotel guests. Poor indoor air quality can cause headaches, irritation in eyes, throat, and skin, tiredness, dizziness or nausea.
  • Satisfaction of Guests: If guests are feeling stuffy in a room or get the impression that the room aggravates any allergies they may have, they are less likely to return or recommend your hotel to friends and family.