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Hospitals, Dental, Nursing Homes

Establish, monitor, and maintain safe, comfortable air quality through IAQ monitoring

IAQ directly affects occupant health, comfort, and productivity. When IAQ is poor, that means it contains high levels of pollutants. Well established, common health impacts are building-related illnesses such as asthma, weariness, irritability, and headache can affect occupants.

Understanding your building’s IAQ fully is now more important than ever.

It is the responsibility of the healthcare engineers and facility managers to maintain the quality of the building’s indoor air. IAQ encompasses a wide variety of factors that affect the well-being of staff and patients: temperature, humidity, the presence of chemical fumes and other contaminants.



According to the EPA, indoor air pollutants are ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health, underscoring the need for maintaining adequate indoor air quality in buildings.

The healthcare industry is expected to set the standard for clean rooms and buildings. Start monitoring the quality of your indoor air today with TSI’s array of IAQ solutions.

  • Improves the confidence of medical staff and patients through assessing the risks of their air quality.
  • Develop plans to stay ahead of potential airborne gases and other indoor air pollutants.