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WEBINAR: Testing Respiratory Masks

How Well Do Different Filter Materials Protect You?

Testing Respiratory Masks - How Well Do Different Filter Materials Protect You?

TSI Filter Testing Webinar Mini-Series

Webinar #1: Basics

What the webinar will be about
Which material impedes the spread of an infectious disease by preventing both the inhalation of contaminated droplets and their exhalation? With limited availability of face masks, many people have wondered about efficacy differences of filter material.

During this webinar, you will learn more about:

  • The basics of filter material and media testing
  • How respiratory masks are tested (NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
  • How penetration values of respirators compare to surgical and homemade masks

About the presenter


Since 1990, Tim Johnson has worked with the Automated Filter Tester products at TSI, and is responsible for the product applications using automated filter test equipment and components used in filter testing applications.
Tim's exceptional background includes: serving as a member of the American Filtration and Separation Society (AFS) board of directors; active involvement in the ASHRAE; member of the USTAG for ISO/TC94/SC15 committee, working on an international standard for respirators.

About TSI

TSI manufactures automated filter testers for respiratory and fractional efficiency filter testing as well as scientific grade instruments to measure the number, mass and size of airborne particles.