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TSI Hosted Webinar
Face Fit Testing Using The PortaCount® Models 8040 And 8048
TSI is excited to invite you to register for the upcoming training webinar:
The "Background & Theory" section will cover:
The "Using the PortaCount" section will cover:
Maxine Dolloway
Maxine Dolloway has been a Direct Sales Specialist at TSI for 8 years, specializing in the Health & Safety product range, of which the PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester is a part of. She is Fit2Fit accredited for both the qualitative and quantitative method of fit testing.
This webinar will be based on the training that Maxine has given many customers, and will consist of a theory session discussing the legislation involved followed by a practical session outlining how to use the PortaCount and the FitPro Ultra Software.