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China Electronics Fair CEF 2019 中国深圳电子展

Apr 09 2019 - Apr 11 2019 Shenzen Convention & Exhibition Center, Fuhua 3rd Rd, FuTian CBD, Futian Qu, Shenzhen Shi, Guangdong 7B099 http://shenzhen.icef.com.cn/

TSI Beijing will exhibit at China Electronics Fair (CEF)/China Information Technology Expo April 9-11 a the Shenzen Convention and Exhibition Center. Visit us to learn about products for contamination control in cleanroom manufacturing facilities.

China Electronics Show focuses on the latest products and latest technologies in the industry, creating a first-class communication and cooperation platform for domestic and foreign companies.

  • Many professionals in the electronics industry gather at the China Electronics Show to get the latest information on future companies.
  • Most of visitors to the China Electronics Show are directly involved in the design and development of technology and products, as well as professionals involved in procurement management.
  • Great information dissemination and social influence are one of the most important features of China Electronics Show.
  • Every year, there are a large number of industry media and mass media from home and abroad.



·  大量电子产业链中的专业观众齐聚中国电子展,以获得对未来企业的最新信息。
·  大参观中国电子展的观众大多是直接参与技术和产品的设计、研发,以及参与采购经营管理的专业人士。
·  大信息传播能力和社会影响力是中国电子展最重要的特点之一。
·  大每一年,都有大量的来自国内外的行业媒体、大众媒体参与其中。