The 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV) brings together fluid mechanics experts in order to discuss about the latest technologies in the field of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).
During the online conference, participants will learn about aerodynamics, turbulent flows, particle tracking velocimetry, volumetrique techniques and many more.
TSI is proud to announce (co-)authorship of the following abstracts:
SESSION IIB - 3D METHODS AND APPLICATIONS Time: 03/Aug/2021: 8:35am-9:10am Peregrine falcon wakes examined using Volumetric PIV Edward Talboys, Chetan Jagadeesh, Daniel Troolin
SESSION IIIA - JETS, SHEAR LAYERS AND WAKES Time: 04/Aug/2021: 8:00am-8:35am On the unsteady dynamics of synthetic leaves: Laboratory experiments using synchronized PIV and DIC Lai Wing, Dan Troolin, Shyuan Cheng, Jiao Sun, and Leonardo P. Chamorro
SESSION IIIB - SEEDING Time: 04/Aug/2021: 8:35am-9:10am Soap bubbles seeding for quantitative time resolved velocity measurements of a turbulent wake flow behind a cylinder Amine Koched, Giuseppe Serra, G. Romano, Carsten Kykal, Jean Stefanini