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18ème Conférence FAD „Herausforderung – Abgasnachbehandlung“

04 nov. 2020 - 05 nov. 2020 Radisson Blue Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Radebeul bei Dresden https://fad-diesel.de/event/18-fad-konferenz-herausforderung-abgasnachbehandlung/

NOTICE: This event, original scheduled for 4-5 November, 2020, has been postponed to 15-16 September, 2021, in response to the COVID-19 second wave shut-down by German Government.

This conference in Dresden is organised by the German research association FAD e.V., which is dedicated to the reduction of emissions from exhaust aftertreatment. The 18th FAD conference "Challenge - Exhaust Aftertreatment" will discuss the compliance of emissions with regard to the combustion engine.

TSI is proud to be the sponsor and exhibit with our engine emissions portfolio.