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Learn About Engine Emissions and TSI

Unlike other sample conditioning systems on the market, the Porous Tube Thermodiluter (PTT) 3098 comes factory-calibrated and with self-diagnostics leak and flow checks to ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable.

Based in Minnesota, TSI has been a leader in the measurement of particle number engine emissions for over 20 years. Our Engine Exhaust Particle Counters (EECPC)Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer™ (EEPS™) Spectrometers, and the new Engine Exhaust Particle Measuring System, help researchers and engineers around the world to:

  • Measure particulate engine emissions 
  • Quantify the performance of diesel and gasoline particulate filters
  • Stay ahead of the regulations that continue to get more stringent, to keep people and communities safer and healthier