Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing
Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing | What is Respirator Fit Testing? (3:10)
PortaCount Set Up | First steps for respirator fit testing with PortaCount (2:43 min) Is your PortaCount model older than the 8040/8048? Watch this setup video on YouTube.
PortaCount & SCBA Kits | How to conduct respirator fit testing with an SCBA respirator (3:26 min)
PortaCount & N95 Respirators | How to simplify the fit testing process for N95 filtering facepieces (4:09)
PortaCount & N95 Respirators | Respirator fit testing with an N95 mask probe kit (1:37 min)
PortaCount Daily Check | How to perform Daily Checks for fit testing (2:34 min) Is your PortaCount model older than the 8040/8048? Watch this Daily Check video on YouTube.
PortaCount Real-Time | Using Real-Time FitCheck® Mode (4:22)
PortaCount Real-Time | Using Real-Time Fit Factor Display for quick respirator size checks (5:21 min)
PortaCount Mask Prep | How to prepare a half or full-face respirator for fit testing (3:35 min)
PortaPunch™ Probe Insertion Tool | Proper setup and use of TSI PortaPunch™ to probe any filtering facepiece respirator. (2:34 min)
PortaCount Service | See the level of attention each instrument receives (2:51 min)
PortaCount FitCheck™ Mode | FitCheck® Mode Reduces Time and Respirator Fit Testing Failures (1:35 min)
PortaCount In-Test Animations | Safer, Smarter Respirator Fit Testing with Animated Displays (1:39 min
PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester | One Quantitative Respirator Fit Test for Every Kind of Respirator (2:40 min)
FitPro+v3软件的安装过程概述。学习者将第一次运行设置该软件,包括添加人的记录和设置你的全球FitPro+选项。View Respirator Fit 104 on Vimeo >
Respirator Fit 302:
Respirator Fit 304: