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2.4 GHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure 801825
2.4 GHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure Computer-Instrument 801826
2300 Particle Deposition System
2300NPT1/2300NPT2 Particle Deposition System
2300XP/2300XP1 Particle Deposition System
2940 FC1 Liquid Flow Controller
2940 FC2 Liquid Flow Controller
2940 FC3 Liquid Flow Controller
8020M Sampling Hose Kit 8017XX
8535 Cloud Data Management System 801901
8535 Spare DC Power Supply 90-130VAC,2.5A 801843
8537 Accessory Kit 801831
8537 Battery Mounting Kit 801845
8537 Heat Shield 801846
8537 Pole Mounting Kit 801844
922 MHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure, Computer- Instrument 801821
922 MHz modem, DustTrak II and DRX Environmental Enclosure 801820
AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8370
AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8371
AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8375
AccuBalance Plus Air Capture Hood 8372
AccuBalance Plus Air Capture Hood 8373
Adapter Kit for 3M Scott Masks 8025-33
Advanced Aerosol Neutralizer 3087
Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3310A
Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3320
Aero-Flow Automated Powder Flowability Analyzer 3250
Aerosizer DSP Particle Sizer Analyzer 3225
Aerosizer LD Particle Sizer Analyzer 3230
Aerosizer Particle Sizer Analyzer Mach II
Aerosol Electrometer 3068A
Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers Series 3800
AeroTrak Handheld Particle Counter 8220
AeroTrak Nanoparticle Aerosol Monitor 9000
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 8240
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 8260
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9310
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9350
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9500
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9510
AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9550
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7000 Series
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7201
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7301
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7301-P
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7310
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7501
AeroTrak Remote Particle Counter 7510
Air Probe-10 AIRPROBE-10-120
Air Probe-9 AIRPROBE-120
AirAssure PM2.5-AD Indoor Air Quality Monitor IPM2.5-AD
AirAssure PM2.5-NA Indoor Air Quality Monitor IPM2.5-NA
Airflow Instruments Air and Gas Temperature Probe K type for ADT32
Airflow Instruments Air and Gas Temperature Probe K type for TKD199
Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Anemometer AV30
Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Anemometer AV6
Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT55
Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT65
Airflow Instruments Air Velocity Transducer AVT75
Airflow Instruments Anemosonic Handheld Digital Ultrasonic Anemometer UA30
Airflow Instruments Anemosonic Handheld Digital Ultrasonic Anemometer UA6
Airflow Instruments CO2 Meter IAQ10
Airflow Instruments Digital Barometer DB2
Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM2
Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM2L
Airflow Instruments Digital Manometer DM30
Airflow Instruments Digital Velocity and Volume Flow Meter LCA30VA
Airflow Instruments Digital Velocity Meter TA35
Airflow Instruments Electronic Manometer MEDM 5k
Airflow Instruments Filter Loss Manometer AFL400
Airflow Instruments Handheld Rotating Vane Anemometer LCA30VT
Airflow Instruments High Velocity Ductwork Leakage Tester
Airflow Instruments Inclined Manometer Type 504-125
Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ50
Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ910
Airflow Instruments Indoor Air Quality Meter IAQ920
Airflow Instruments Liquid Industrial Manometers - Slim Jim - SJ39 Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer
Airflow Instruments Low Velocity Ductwork Leakage Tester
Airflow Instruments Micromanometer PVM100
Airflow Instruments Micromanometers PH720
Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460
Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-A
Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-P
Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometer TA460-X
Airflow Instruments Output Convertor OC20
Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation (PANDA) System PAN311 Series
Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN321
Airflow Instruments Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN331
Airflow Instruments ProHood Capture Hood PH721
Airflow Instruments Protective case for TA35
Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane 35mm for AV6
Airflow Instruments Rotating vane 35mm for EDRA and AV2
Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane Anemometer AV2
Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane EDRA6
Airflow Instruments Rotating Vane Probe (35 mm) 496
Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA2 Range
Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA4
Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA45
Airflow Instruments Thermal Anemometer TA5
Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer RH710
Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer RH720
Airflow Instruments Thermohygrometer TH12
AirPro AP500 Probe Extension - 12 in. (305 mm) 800529
AirPro External Battery Charger 800530
AirPro Micromanometer AP800
AirPro Micromanometer AP800-AC
AirPro Mobile
AirPro Mobile - Advanced Feature Set - Long-Term - APFS-A-LTL
AirPro Mobile - Advanced Feature Set -1 Year - APFS-A-AL
AirPro Mobile - Professional Feature Set - 1 Year - APFS-P-AL
AirPro Mobile - Professional Feature Set - Long-Term - APFS-P-LTL
AirPro Temperature and Humidity Probe TH-S
AirPro Temperature and Humidity Probe TH-S-AC
AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VT-A
AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VT-A-AC
AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VTH-A
AirPro Thermoanemometer Articulated Probe VTH-A-AC
AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VTH-S
AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VTH-S-AC
AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VT-S
AirPro Thermoanemometer Straight Probe VT-S-AC
AirPro Velocity Meter AP500
AirProbe-10 Adapter Cable for EVM Environmental Monitors 074-083
Alnor Air Velocity Meter 9870
Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (General Purpose) AVT55
Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (Omnidirectional) AVT75
Alnor Air Velocity Transducer (Windowless) AVT65
Alnor AirGard Air Flow Monitor 315-BSC
Alnor AirGard Air Flow Monitor 350-CEM
Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 200AG
Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 335-D
Alnor AirGard Lab Hood Monitor 405-D
Alnor Balometer Capture Hood EBT721
Alnor Balometer Jr. Capture Hood 342
Alnor Balometer Jr. Capture Hood 343
Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood 6461CFM
Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood Model 6463CFM
Alnor Balometer Standard Capture Hood Model 6465CFM
Alnor Carbon Monoxide Analyzer CGA-801
Alnor CO and Draft Combustion Gas Analyzer CGA-811
Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer CGA-823
Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, CO and Flue and Air Temperature CGA-813
Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, CO, Draft and Flue and Air Temperature CGA-814
Alnor Combustion Gas Analyzer with O2, Flue and Air Temperature CGA-812
Alnor CompuFlow CO2 Meter 8610
Alnor CompuFlow CO2 Meter CF910
Alnor CompuFlow IAQ Meter CF920
Alnor CompuFlow Indoor Air Quality Meter 8650
Alnor CompuFlow Indoor Air Quality Meter CF930
Alnor CompuFlow Temperature and Humidity Meter 8612
Alnor CompuFlow Temperature and Humidity Meter 8652
Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8570
Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8571
Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8585
Alnor CompuFlow Thermoanemometer 8586
Alnor Electronic Balometer with APM 150 Meter
Alnor Fume Hood Monitor AirGard 385
Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM650
Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM670
Alnor Hydronic Manometer HM680
Alnor Hygrometer Probe 220B
Alnor Micromanometer AXD510
Alnor Micromanometer AXD530
Alnor Micromanometer AXD540
Alnor Micromanometer AXD542
Alnor Micromanometer AXD550
Alnor Micromanometer AXD560
Alnor Micromanometer AXD562
Alnor Micromanometer EBT720
Alnor Oil Heat Combustion Analyzer Kit with Smoke Pump CGA-812-OH
Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RV
Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVA
Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVA+
Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVD
Alnor Rotating Vane Anemometer RVR
Alnor Thermoanemometer Probe 175
Alnor Thermoanemometer Probe 275
Alnor Thermoanenometer 9850
Alnor Thermohygrometer TH710
Alnor Thermohygrometer TH720
Alnor Velometer Anemometer Kit 6000AP
Alnor Velometer Jr. Air Velocity Meter 8100A-16
Alnor Velometer Jr. Air Velocity Meter 8100B-25
Alnor Velometer Jr. Velocity Meter 8100-8
Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer 9880D
Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer 9880E
Argon-Ion Laser 300mW LA70-2
Argon-Ion Laser 5W LA70-5
ASSURx Handheld Raman Analyzer
Automated Filter Tester 3120
Automated Filter Tester 3140
Automated Filter Tester 8127
Automated Filter Tester 8130
Automated Filter Tester 8135
Automated Filter Tester 8160
Battery Charger 801686 for Battery 801681
Battery Charger, 2 Bay- Aerotrak 9000
Battery Holder 801588
Battery Pack, 6-Cell AA 801736
Bench Top Wind Tunnel 8390
Bio-Acoustic Simulator BA-202-25
Bitrix Fit Test Multi Cartridge, Box 805010
Bitrix Sensitivity Cartridge, Box 805009
Black Ribbon Cartridge for 8907 Card Printer 1204058
Breadboards 9147C
CA-CALC Exhaust Gas Analyzer CA-6315
CA-CALC Exhaust Gas Analyzer CA-6316
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6203
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6205
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6210
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6211
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6212
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6213
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6214
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6215
CA-CALC Multi-Gas Combustion Analyzer CA-6216
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6010
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6020
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6030
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6040
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6050
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6060
CA-CALC Single Gas Monitor CA-6070
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-2 percent) with Circuit Board 802265
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-2 percent) without Circuit Board 802010
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor (0-8 percent) without Circuit Board 802013
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor H2-Compensated (0-5000 ppm) with Circuit Board 802264
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor H2-Compensated (0-5000 ppm) without Circuit Board 802014
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sensor without Circuit Board 802006
Certifier Air Velocity Calibrator 8392
Certifier Flow Analyzer Plus Ventilator Test System 4080
Certifier™ Plus Display Interface Module 4088
ChemLine In-Line Metal Analyzer
ChemLite Laser Aluminum Analyzer 4235
ChemLite Plus Laser Metals Analyzer 4240
ChemReveal LIBS Desktop Elemental Analyzer 3766
Cloud Data Management Solution 8535
CombuCheck Single Gas Monitor 8750
Component Filter Test System 3150
Computer for PIV 600054-64
Computer Interface Cable 800563
Computer Model 6390A
Condensation Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3470
Condensation Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3472
Condensation Particle Counter 3010
Condensation Particle Counter 3010D
Condensation Particle Counter 3022A
Condensation Particle Counter 3025A
Condensation Particle Counter 3760A
Condensation Particle Counter 3762
Condensation Particle Counter 3771
Condensation Particle Counter 3772
Condensation Particle Counter 3775
Condensation Particle Counter 3776
Confocal Scanning Systems 660000
Constant Current Anemometer Model 1745 Module
Constant Output Atomizer 3075
Constant Temperature Anemometer Model 1750 Module
Continuous Wattage Lasers PIV01251
CPCount Software 390081
Differential Mobility Analyzer 3081
Differential Mobility Analyzer 3085
Diffusion Battery 3040
Diffusion Battery 3041
Diffusion Battery Switching Valve 3042A
Diffusional Particle Sizer (DPS) System
Digital Control Unit 379032A
Double Pulse Nd:YAG Laser
DP-CALC Micromanometer 8702
DP-CALC Micromanometer 8704
DP-CALC Micromanometer 8705
DP-CALC Micromanometers 8710
DustTrak Aerosol Monitor 8520
DUSTTRAK Environmental Enclosure 8537
DustTrak Mobile App 801903
Dye Lasers TDL-10-QTL
Edge 3 Personal Noise Dosimeter
Edge 4 Personal Noise Dosimeter
Electrical Aerosol Detector 3070A
Electrostatic Classifier 3071A
Electrostatic Classifier 3080L
Electrostatic Classifier 3080N
Environmental Enclosure Respirable Sampling Inlet 801506
Environmental Sampling System 3031200
EVERWATCH Face Velocity Monitor 8612
EVERWATCH Fume Hood Monitor 8610
EVERWATCH Room Pressure Monitor 8620
External Intensifier 630012
EZRaman-I Series High Performance Portable Raman Analyzer
EZRaman-N Series Affordable Raman Spectrometer
EZRaman-NP Series Portable Raman Spectrometer
Fiber Optic Receiver Probes for PDPA RVXXX
Fiber Optic Transceiver Probes for LDV TRXXX
Fiber Optic Transmitting Probes for PDPA TMXXX
Fiberlight Color Separator Module
Fiberlight Multi-Color Beam Generator 1-Component FBL-1
Fiberlight Multi-Color Beam Generator 2-Component FBL-2
Fiberlight Multi-Color Beam Generator 3-Component FBL-3
Filtered Air Supply 3074
Filters 610075
FitPro Plus Fit Test Software 7001233
Flow Meter, Rotameter, 2.5 LPM 800669
FlowSizer Data Acquisition Analysis Software 4.3 1090067
FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with LDV capture and processing
FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with LDV capture, processing, RMR and Analog input
FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with PDPA capture and processing
FlowSizer Upgrade to BurstPro with PDPA capture, processing, RMR and Analog input
Fluidized Bed Aerosol Generator 3400A
Fluorescence Aerosol Particle Sensor 3313
Fog Generator 9308
Fogger 2001-115V
Fogger 2001-230V
FSA BurstPro™ Flow and Particle Analysis Software
FSA Signal Processors for Laser Doppler (LDV) measurements FSA4800/5800-X
FSA Signal Processors for LDV Systems FSA4000-X
FSA Signal Processors for PDPA Systems FSA4000-XP
FSA Signal Processors for Phase Doppler (PDPA) measurements FSA4800/5800-XP
FSA Silicone Rubber O-Rings 0001-01-8334
GasRaman NOCH-1 High Performance
GasRaman NOCH-2
General Purpose Water-Based Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3787
Gentle Rocker 20rpm
Gentle Rocker 40rpm
Hardware Drivers for Insight 4G Version 11.2 Imaging, Acquisition, Analysis, and Display Software
Hardware Kits for LDV 903510
Hardware Kits for PDPA TR-SS-2D
High Frame Rate Cameras for Time Resolved Measurements
High Output Corn Oil Aerosol Generator 2045S
High Output PSL Aerosol Generator 2045
High Speed Lasers for PIV and PLIF Measurements YLF15-3000-CON
High-Speed Lasers
IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8732
IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8760
IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meter 8762
IAQ-CALC Indoor Air Quality Meters 7535
IFA-300 Constant Temperature Anemometer 183151
Imaging System for PLIF Measurements
Impactor Flow Controller 120FC
Insight 4G Version 11.2 Global Imaging, Acquisition, Analysis and Display Software
Insight Software Version 6
Insight Software Version 6S
INSIGHT V3V-4G Acquisition and Data Analysis Software INSIGHTV3V-4G
Insight V3V-DPIR Software Package
InspectAir CO2 Meter 8560
Integrating Nephelometer 3563
Intensified Cameras 630054-F
Itasca Solid State Laser Module 6010070
Itasca Solid-State Laser Module
Itasca-based LDV System
Itasca-based PDPA System
Laser - High Repetition Rate YLF Dual Laser
Laser - YAG30-15
Laser Aerosol Spectrometer 3340
Laser Particle Counter 3753A
Laser Photometer 8587
Laser Power Meters 900702
Laser Safety Glasses 10967
LaserPulse Light Arm 610015
LaserPulse Synchronizer 610034
LaserPulse Synchronizer 610035
LaserPulse Synchronizer 610036
LED Illuminator PIV00876
Light Sheet Optics 610024
Light Sheet Optics 610026
Low-Flow Thermodenuder 3065
Low-Speed Laser for PIV and PLIF YAG70-15-QTL
MacroIMS Macroion Mobility Spectrometer 3980
MacroIMS Macroion Mobility Spectrometer 3982
Magnetic Protective Boot for Combustion Analyzers (801995)
Mask Integrity Test Accessory (MITA) 8120
Mass Flow Meter 40211
Mass Flow Meter 40212
Mass Flow Meter 40241
Mass Flow Meter 40242
Mass Flow Meter 40246
Mass Flow Meter 41211
Mass Flow Meter 41212
Mass Flow Meter 41213
Mass Flow Meter 41216
Mass Flow Meter 41221
Mass Flow Meter 41222
Mass Flow Meter 41226
Mass Flow Meter 4225
Mass Flow Meter 4226
Mass Flow Meter 4235
Mass Flow Meter Digital with Display 3063
Micro Bubble Generator BG-1000
MicroPIV Optical Lens Assembly 610048
Microscope Objective
Microscope Objective Lenses 610051-4x
MicroSense- I Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-I
MicroSense- L Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-L
MicroSense- Lab Series High Performance Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-LAB
MicroSense- N Series Low Cost Raman Microscope MICROSENSE-N
MicroViewer Microscope MVIEWER-532MRA
Miniature Black Carbon Monitor Model AE51
Monosize Droplet Generator MDG100
MOUDI Cascade Impactors 100R and 110R
Mount Kits for LDV
Mount Kits for PIV M-STPIVS
MSP Vacuum Pumps for Model 135-10 Mini MOUDI Impactors 0135-01-0100
Multi-Channel Digitizers ADCPCI
Nano Water-Based Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) 3788
Nanometer Aerosol Sampler 3089
Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor 3550
NGI Assistant
Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor with Circuit Board 802266
Nitric Oxide (NO) Sensor without Circuit Board 802007
NoisePro DL Noise Dosimeters
NoisePro DLX Noise Dosimeters
NoisePro DLX-1 Noise Dosimeters
NoisePro NP Noise Dosimeters
Oxygen (O2) Smart Sensor 054-873
Particle Size Distribution Analyzer 3603
Pendant Interconnect Tube 801502
Photodetector Module (PDM) PDM1000-XPSS
Photodetector Module (PDM) PDM1000-XSS
Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 3500
Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 5500
Piezobalance Respirable Aerosol Mass Monitor 8510
PIV System 2D Measurement
PIV System Global Sizing Velocimeter (GSV)
Polarization Axis Finder 10901A
PolyMax Plastics Analyzer
Portable Printer 8925
Portable Printer 8928
PortaCount Plus Respirator Fit Tester 8028
PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8010
PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8020
PortaCount® Respirator Fit Tester 8030
PortaCount® Respirator Fit Tester 8038
Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN221
Positive and Negative Duct Accreditation System PAN221-110
PowerSight Module PS-TM-2D-R
PowerSight-based LDV System
PowerSight-based PDPA System
PowerView 1.4MP Camera 630066
PowerView Cameras for PIV
PowerView HS-2000 Camera
PowerView HS-650 Camera
PowerView Plus 11MP Camera 630062
PowerView Plus 2MP Camera
PowerView Plus 4MP Camera 630059
PowerView Plus HS-200 Camera
PresSura Cleanroom Monitors 8630-CRM
PresSura Cleanroom Monitors 8631-CRM
PresSura Cleanroom Pressure Controllers 8630-CRC
PresSura Cleanroom Pressure Controllers 8631-CRC
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8630-PC
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8630-SC
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8631-HC
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers 8631-HC-BAC
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8630-PM
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8630-SM
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8631-HM
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Monitors 8631-HM-BAC
Probe Adapter Kit 801970
Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 25 ft. Hose 801950
Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 4 ft. Hose 801998
Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801989
Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801990
Probe Assembly - 12 in. Probe, 7 ft. Hose with Pistol Grip 801991
Probe Assembly - 12 in. SST, 4 ft. Hose 801993
Probe Support 1150-36, Single Sensor, 36 inches long
Probe Support 1154-15, with 15 ft Cable, 2 Sensors
Probe Support 1155-36, 2 Sensors, 36 inches Long
Probe Support 1160-18, Hitemp, 18 inches Long
Probe Support 1160-6, Hitemp, 6 inches Long
ProRaman- W Series Industrial Process Raman Spectrometer
ProRaman-L High Performance Raman Spectrometer
ProtectAir Multi-Gas Monitor 8570
Protective Case 800536 for AirPro® Probe
Pump Kit for Combustion Analyzers 801996
Q-Check CO2 Meter 8730
Q-Check CO2 Meter 8731
Qfit Automatic Respirator Fit Tester - Basic Kit 805002
Qfit Automatic Respirator Fit Tester - Deluxe Kit 805001
Qfit Elbow 805008
Qfit External Battery Charger 805018
Qfit Hood 805005
Qfit Manual Respirator Fit Tester - Basic Kit 805004
Qfit Manual Respirator Fit Tester - Deluxe Kit 805003
Qfit Power Supply 805007
Qfit Rechargeable Battery 805006
Q-Stat CO2 and Temperature Monitor 8700
Q-Stat CO2 and Temperature Monitor 8701
Q-Trak IAQ Monitor 8550
Q-Trak IAQ Monitor 8551
Q-Trak Indoor Air Quality Monitor 7565
Q-Trak Plus IAQ Monitor 8552
Q-Trak Plus IAQ Monitor 8554
Quantitative Flow Visualization Systems
QUESTemp II Personal Heat Stress Monitor
Quest™ Edge 5 Personal Noise Dosimeter
Rails for LDV BRL050
Rails for PDPA BRL100
Real-Time Fiber Monitor 7400
Remote Focus Mechanism 640050-R
Remote Handheld Nebulizer 805015
Remote Processor 3703A
Respicon Particle Sampler 8522
Respirator Leak Tester 8119
Right Angle Adaptor (Dual Sensor) 1157
Right Angle Adaptor (For 1240) 1157A
Right Angle Adaptor (Single Sensor) 1152
Rotating Disk Thermodiluter 379020A
Rotating Disk Thermodiluter 379021
Rotating Disk Thermodiluter and Thermal Conditioner 379020A-30
Rotating Vane Air Velocity Probe 496
Sampling Pendant 801500
Sampling Pendant Purge Kit 801631
Sampling System for Atmospheric Aerosol Model - 3772200
Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3034
Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3934
Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer 3936
Seed Particles 1.1 Micron Psl per 15 ml 10085A
Seed Particles and Particle Generators 10091
Seed Particles Gls-Hlw-Ag, Md=8-12,100cc 10089-SLVR
Seed Particles Glss-Hllw Md=8-12 1ltr 10089
Seed Particles Metallic Coated Particles 10087
Seed Particles Nylon Particles - 4um (400cc) 10084
SidePak Personal Aerosol Monitor AM510
SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP330
SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP350
SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP530
SidePak Personal Sampling Pump SP730
Single-channel SmartTune Constant Temperature Anemometer 1108
Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ12
Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ24
Slim Jim - Industrial Vertical Tube Manometer SJ8
Small-Scale Powder Disperser 3433
SmartTune CTA Module Add-On 183150
SS Probe Filters (Packet of 4 Filters and 4 Collars)
Stereo Assembly Model 640054
Stereo PIV System
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor with Circuit Board 802268
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor without Circuit Board 802009
Supermicrometer Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3941
SureFlow Adaptive Offset Controller 8681
SureFlow Adaptive Offset Controller 8682
SureFlow Face Velocity Controller 8640
SureFlow Fume Hood Face Velocity Controller 8650
SureFlow Room Pressure Control 8635-C
SureFlow Room Pressure Controller 8670
SureFlow Room Pressure Controller 8680
Temperature Module with Signal Conditioner 183145
TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 7415
TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 7425
TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 8720
TH-Calc Thermohygrometer 8722
Thermal Anemometry Probes 1210-10
Thermal Anemometry Systems
Thermal Anemometry Traverses T1D
ThermalPro Data Acquisition and Analysis Software THERPROXP
ThermalPro Software THERPRO32
Thiamis 1000 Cloud Data Management System 801905
Time Resolved PIV System
Traverse System - 3-Axis Heavy-Duty Traverse System T3DH
Traverse System - 3-Axis Long Traverse System T3DL
Traverse System 3 Axis Traverse System T3D
Traverse Systems T2D
Tripod for Isokinetic Probe 3000192
Turbo Vaporizer 2800
Turbo Vaporizer 2800PE
Turbo Vaporizer 2801PE
Turbo Vaporizer 2820
Turbo Vaporizer 2820D
Turbo Vaporizer 2840PE
Turbo Vaporizer 2841PE
Turbo Vaporizer 2860PE
Turning Mirror Sets OPT1000M
Twin-Tube Sampling Hose Kit 801501
Ultrafine Condensation Particle Counter 3776
Ultrafine Particle Monitor 3031
Ultrafine Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3786
Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (UV-APS) 3314
Universal AC DC Adapter 800531
V3V System 9000 Series: Volumetric 3-Component Velocimetry
V3V-Flex Volumetric PIV Systems
V3V-LO Laser Light Illumination System
V3V-PCM Frame
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8345
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8346
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8347
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8347A
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8350
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8355
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 8357
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-A
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-P
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9555-X
VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8360
VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8382
VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8383
VelociCalc Plus Air Velocity Meter 8388
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8384
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8384A
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8385
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8385A
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8386
VelociCalc Plus Multi-Parameter Ventilation Meter 8386A
VelociCalc Rotating Vane Air Velocity Meter 8321
VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer 8322
VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer 8324
VelociCheck Air Velocity Meter 8330
VelociCheck Air Velocity Meter 8340
Vibrating Orifice Aerosol Generator 3450
Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3781
Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3782
Water-based Condensation Particle Counter 3785
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