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Customizing Charts

Analysis Tools and Display Options

TrakPro Ultra allows you to  customize your time charts, helping you better convey the meaning of the acquired data to your clients or colleagues.  These customized charts can be easily inserted into reports or presentations. 


Chart Title

Select the Titles tab to change the chart title.  The font style is also configurable. You can show or hide the title with the Show Chart Title switch. 



Control Limits

Control limits can provide your chart data important context by displaying threshold values.  Select the Control Limits tab to configure the limits. Enter a value and a label for the control limit.  It will immediately be displayed on the chart.

To create an additional control limit, click Add

Control limits can be shown or hidden with the Show Control Limits switch.  They can also be deleted by clicking Remove.



Annotations are helpful to explain data events in the chart.  You may add as many annotations as you wish. 

Annotations are attached to a point in the chart.  To add an annotation, first click the Annotate icon above the chart.  Then click a point on the chart to attach the annotation.  A dialog box appears allowing you to add text.  Click the checkmark when done.


If you do not like the location that the annotation was placed at, you may move it by clicking on it and dragging it.  

As you zoom and pan the chart, the annotation will move with the chart data.

You can delete an annotation by clicking on it and selecting the Trash icon.


Saving Charts

Your customized charts can be saved as an image file so that they can be inserted into reports and  presentations.  The image will be saved exactly as it is displayed, including the zoom level, control limits, title, and annotations.

Click the Save as Image icon above the chart.  You can select a location to store the image and rename it as desired.