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TSI Link Solutions FAQs: Operation

FAQs about operating your device

Frequently-asked questions about connecting your devices, alerts, and more.

Device and sensor warnings (click to enlarge)Will I be notified of warnings on my air quality monitor in TSI Link™ Solutions?

Your air quality monitors send Device and Sensor warning status to the SD card and TSI Link™ Solutions as numbers. TSI Link™ Solutions will convert an icon that will appear on the popover card in the upper right corner (see screenshot below, with the icon in red). 

TSI Link™ Solutions will alert you if a monitor has been disconnected from TSI Link™ Solutions for over 24 hours. The monitor’s pin in TSI Link™ Solutions will be grayed out. Once you click on the pin, you will be able to see an error message that will remain until the monitor is back online.

How do I view my device data from one or more devices?

  1. Go to https://tsi.com/tsi-link and log In
  2. Click on the map and zoom in to the area where your device pin is located
  3. Click on the device pin to view the current values
  4. Or click on the devices tab to view high-level readings of multiple devices side by side

Will I receive marketing emails if I provide my email or phone number only for alerts?

No.  TSI Link notification contact information is used only for alerts and business correspondences needed for system operations.

Are SMS alerts available in all areas?

No, starting in June of 2023 the UK mobile phone networks removed the ability to reply to business texts.  So we are not currently able to confirm phone numbers or to enable them to opt out via a “stop” response text.  Accordingly, UK phone numbers cannot receive SMS text.  UK customers can still receive email alerts.