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Room Pressure Measurement Matters

TSI industry standard hospital room pressure monitors and controllers

Monitor room pressure in isolation rooms, operating rooms and rooms for pandemic preparedness

With thousands installed, TSI  PresSura™ Room Pressure Monitors and Controllers are the industry standard for monitoring safety in isolation rooms, operating rooms and rooms for pandemic preparedness. Backed by our unique pressure sensor, PresSura Products provide precision measurements with high stability.

The next-generation PresSura Products offer best-in-class features for confident isolation room designs:

  • Expanded multiple room monitoring
  • Customizable on-screen notifications
  • Temperature and humidity measurements
  • Only room pressure sensors Classified by UL for through-penetration firestop systems
  • BACnet® integration

Designed to comply with ASHRAE/ASHE 170, CDC, and AIA Guidelines, you can be confident that PresSura Room Pressure Products will meet your standards---and keep your patients safe.


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