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Aerosol Generator 3079A

Model Number: 3079A

Easily portable and simple to operate, Aerosol Generator Model 3079A is a great tool to generate submicron aerosols for a variety of applications. Generating a high concentration of polydisperse aerosols, Model 3079A can be used with both water-based and alcohol-based solutions

Product Details

Aerosol Generator 3079A is a rugged, compact atomizer that generates particles in concentrations up to 108 particles/cm3 and offers an adjustable flow rate from 1.2 to 5.0 L/min. A built-in, low-noise compressor provides compressed air, and the atomizer head is made entirely of stainless steel. Operating components are protected by a hood, making this atomizer highly portable and suitable for acceptance tests.


  • Acceptance tests
  • Research requiring polydisperse, high-concentration aerosol

Features and Benefits

  • Concentrations up to 10 8 particles/cm 3
  • Adjustable flow rate from 1.2 to 5.0 L/min
  • Highly portable, self-contained design

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