Analyzing Studies
Data Analysis Dashboard
You can select a study for analysis from the Study Finder page. Click the Three Dot icon next to the study of interest and then click Analyze. The study will be opened for review. Click the Left Arrow icon in the top left corner to return to the Study Finder.
Time Charts
A time chart is created for each measurement in the study. Scroll down to view all the charts.
The charts are interactive. As you hover your mouse over the chart, the display values are shown. You can also zoom into a section of interest by click-dragging the zoom handles at the bottom of the chart. You can then click-drag the highlighted area to quickly pan through the data in a zoomed mode.
You can save the chart as a graphic image by clicking the Save as Image icon above the chart. You can specify a name and location to save the chart through a File Explorer window. These saved images can then be inserted into reports and presentations.
Each chart can also be customized if desired. Click the Configure Chart icon above the chart. See Customizing Charts for more information.
Data Summary
The key data statistics are displayed to the right of the time charts. You can hide this panel with the Show Data switch if you want more room for your time charts.
If you wish to view the measurement values, click that measurement row. A table showing each timestamp and reading is displayed. You can sort the table by clicking on either header. Click the Left Arrow icon to return to the Data Summary view.