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Advancing compliance and safety through regulatory R&D for a sustainable future.

Advancing compliance and safety through regulatory R&D for a sustainable future.

Regulatory R&D focuses on the development of standards and innovations that ensure industries comply with environmental, health, and safety regulations. Agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Union (EU) play a key role by establishing...

Sub-23 nm Solid Particle Emissions for Post Euro 6/VI Engines

Sub-23 nm Solid Particle Emissions for Post Euro 6/VI Engines

Upcoming Euro 7/VII regulations will include sub-23 nm solid particle emissions, requiring new measurement tools like TSI’s 10 nm EECPC to ensure compliance and improve air quality.

IAQ and Student Attendance

IAQ and Student Attendance

A recent study conducted in numerous U.S. schools has revealed the significant influence of indoor environmental quality on student attendance.

Manual-Load 20 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3M - 20nm

Manual-Load 20 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3M - 20nm

This manually-loaded particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 20 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom contamination standards. Manual loading...

Mass Flow Meter 4043

Mass Flow Meter 4043

范围:0-200 l/min。校准:空气、氧气、氮气。连接:1/2英寸管。

Nanoparticle Emission Tester 3795

Nanoparticle Emission Tester 3795


Differential Mobility Analyzer 3083

Differential Mobility Analyzer 3083

差分静电迁移率分析仪(DMA)是用于执行粒径分布测量的SMPS™等粒径谱仪的关键部件。3083型设计用于在一次扫描中覆盖从10nm到800nm的 粒径范围。这种新的DMA可以控制使用静电级器3082,就像可以控制任何其他型号DMA一样(参阅型号3081A, 3085A,和3086)。TSI DMAs配备了标识标签,以便分级器自动识别安装组件。该硬件自动识别确保数据可靠。

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9515

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9515

VELOCICALC®数字风速计9515是经济型的数字风速计。专业人员发现9151是通风柜,喷淋室,或通风系统检查面风速测量的理想工具。添加到购物车其他可用型号说明请求报价9515-AC包括ISO 17025空气速度和温度认证。请求报价

Submicrometer Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3940A

Submicrometer Monodisperse Aerosol Generator 3940A

3940A型亚微米单分散气溶胶发生器系统包含生成单分散亚微米粒子所需的所有组件,具有粒子发生、调节和粒径选择的功能。用户可以通过触摸屏方便地选择所需的粒子粒径,且3081A型DMA可以进行0.01 - 1.0 μ m的粒径选择。

Single Jet Atomizer 9302

Single Jet Atomizer 9302


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