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Automatic Velocity Calibrator with Pressure Transducer

UGS: 1129

Product Details

Used with TSI's IFA 300 Research Constant Temperature Anemometer, the Model 1129 Automated Calibrator gives users the ability to integrate probe calibration with software control of anemometer settings and data acquisition. This gives a seamless user interface which incorporates all operational requirements for anemometer measurements.

Attach the calibrator to compressed air and the power supply/control module in the IFA 300 Anemometer cabinet. Then define a velocity range in the ThermalPro™ software and attach a probe. The Automated Calibrator monitors the velocity using a built-in pressure transducer, acquires sensor data, adjusts the flow rate to a new velocity, and repeats the process, until the entire velocity range is covered. The data is automatically integrated into the ThermalPro software calibration section.

While the most obvious benefit is automated control, it offers several other advanced features. For one, its exclusive flow nozzle design exhibits a flat velocity profile over a broad dynamic range. For another, its probe mounting system handles any type of probe or probe support with the utmost positioning flexibility, essential for yaw and pitch calibrations.

Features and Benefits  
  • Complete automation of calibration data acquisition
  • Works with one-, two-, or three-sensor probes
  • Probe mounts for yaw/pitch calibration
  • Integrates with IFA 300 and ThermalPro software
  • General purpose thermal anemometry probe calibration