VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9545-A
VelociCalc® 风速仪9545-A 如同以单个仪表的价格提供了多个仪表。此款仪表使用配有多个传感器的单一探头同时检测和数据记录多个通风参数。
Aerosol Generator 3079A
3970A型气溶胶发生器是一款易于携带和操作简单的工具, 可生成高浓度的多分散气溶胶, 可用于水基和醇基溶液。
ACTRIS - Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure
ACTRIS harmonizes atmospheric measurements across Europe, providing high-quality, standardized data on aerosols, clouds, and trace gases for research and policy-making.
Number- vs. Mass-Based UFP Monitoring Methods
Number-based UFP measurements reveal more particles than mass-based methods, highlighting health risks. Mass-based methods often miss UFPs, making number-based techniques crucial for accurate monitoring.
Understanding Particle Removal Efficiency (PRE) in Wafer Cleaning Processes
PRE challenge wafers help semiconductor manufacturers validate and optimize wafer cleaning processes, improving yields, and ensuring reliable particle removal.
Photomask Contamination Standards in Process Development for R&D
Photomask contamination standards ensuring accurate defect detection and optimized processes.
Auto-Load 10 nm Particle Deposition System 2300G3A - 10 nm
This fully automated particle deposition system deposits PSL and SiO2 spheres as small as 10 nm. Calibrate and qualify your defect inspection tools with ease, confidence, and efficiency by producing high volumes of high-quality custom 300 mm and 200 mm contamination standards....
Automated Filter Tester 3160
3160型仪器决定了不同粒径颗粒物的压降和分级效率,以获得HEPA和ULPA滤料和滤材的最易穿透粒径(MPPS)。它的设计完全符合EN 1822 第 3和第5部分的测试要求。滤料测试是根据用户特定的测试参数自动执行的,分级过滤效率最高可达99.999999% (8个 9)。HEPA 和 ULPA 滤料用于医院,手术室 ,实验室,洁净室以及其他要求粒子、细菌保持低浓度水平的地方。最易穿透粒径(MPPS)滞留是其显著特征。
Aerosol Neutralizer 348002
AirAssure 8144-2 Indoor Air Quality Monitor
AirAssure™ IAQ Monitor in combination with TSI Link Solutions™ software are essential to creating, managing, and deploying your IAQ program. The 2-gas AirAssure™ IAQ Monitor measures carbon dioxide (CO2), total volatile organic compounds (tVOC), particulate matter (PM...
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