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Alle Filtertestgeräte von TSI dienen dazu, die Effizienz von Filtermedien und unterschiedlichen Luftfiltern zu messen, darunter hoch- und höchsteffiziente Filter, Atemfilter, Filtereinsätze und Schutzanzüge. Sie zeichnen sich durch ihre Benutzerfreundlichkeit und zuverlässigen Betrieb aus.

Mit all unseren Filtertestern lässt sich unter Einsatz submikroner poly- und monodisperser Öl- bzw. Natriumchlorid-Aerosole die Effizienz von Filtern bestimmen. Darüber hinaus werden die Filtertestlösungen von TSI dazu verwendet, die Einhaltung diverser weltweiter Teststandards und Regularien zu gewährleisten.

Broschüre über TSI® Filtertestlösungen ansehen

Laser Photometer 8587A

Stand-alone photometers are used for custom made test chambers, e.g. in respirator certification testing, and for custom filter testing equipment. Light scatter photometers are the preferred choice for detectors in respiratory testing due to their very high dynamic range and sensitivity. With the need for respiratory masks with higher protection factors as well as the measurement equipment improved, Laser Photometer Model 8587A is the result of such continued improvement of the measurement capabilities.

Automated Filter Tester 3160

Automated Filter Tester Model 3160 determines the pressure drop and fractional efficiency at different particle sizes (<15 to 800+ nm) in order to obtain the most penetrating particle size (MPPS) of HEPA and ULPA filters and filter media. It is designed to comply with the test requirements of EN 1822 parts 3 and 5. Filter tests are performed automatically following user-specific test parameters and up to 99.999999% fractional filter efficiencies. HEPA and ULPA filters are used in hospitals, operating rooms, laboratories, cleanrooms and other places that require low concentrations of particles, bacteria, etc. They are characterized by their retention at the most penetrating particle size (MPPS).

Automated Filter Tester 8130A

The Automated Filter Tester Model 8130A continues to be the best solution for testing particulate respirator filters, disposable filtering face pieces, and a wide assortment of filter media. TSI filter testers have been used in quality control and manufacturing by leading filter and filter media manufacturers and reference test institutes around the world for more than 20 years due to their proven durability and reliability, which is valued in demanding manufacturing environments and QA/QC laboratories.

Automated Filter Tester 8150

The Automated Filter Tester 8150 is designed for 100% quality assurance testing of P100, FFP3, P3 and similar respiratory filters and cartridges directly in the production line. The 8150 is a highly compact automated filter tester with a very small footprint that easily fits into any existing and new production lines. Using many of the same technologies, it provides matching results to the Automated Filter Tester 8130A while being optimized for high-volume throughput and around-the-clock remote operation with repeatable and accurate test results. Its highly flexible configuration and robust Modbus communication capabilities go beyond current standard performance in the market while minimizing downtime.