Heat Stress Monitors

Simplify your heat stress management program

QUESTemp° Heat Stress Monitors are designed to quickly and accurately evaluate potential heat stress environments. These instruments deliver high-performance monitoring using Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) sensing technology, the standard for heat stress management, and the calculation of a WBGT Index value.


QUESTempº 32-34-36 Area Heat Stress Monitors

Die QUESTemp° 32/34/36 Wärmebelastung-Monitore wurden entwickelt, um schnell und genau... View Product

QUESTemp° 44-46-48N Area Waterless Wet Bulb Heat Stress Monitors

Das QUESTemp° 44/46/48N verwendet einen wasserlosen Feuchtfühler, der für Arbeitsumgebungen... View Product