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EZRaman-N Serie Erschwingliches Raman-Spektrometer

Artikelnr: EZ-N-7A2S-10-112

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The EZRaman-N is a sensitive, reliable, and stable Raman spectrometer. It requires minimal sample preparation and its rugged, portable design allows for heavy use in multiple locations as needed. The EZRaman-N is the perfect teaching tool and has the best performance-to-price ratio in the market.

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Product Details

The EZRaman-N Raman spectrometer features a narrow line-width frequency-stabilized laser. It uses a high-throughput fiber optics probe, and an optically fast (f/1.6) spectrograph with TE cooled CCD detector. The EZRaman-N system is easy to use, with powerful and user-friendly RamanReader software and provides excellent long term reliability with minimal maintenance.


  • Chemistry and chemicals
  • Gemology, mineralogy and geology
  • Polymers and plastics

Choosing the right model for your application

We have several models of the EZRaman-N. Choose the model that best suits your application, by laser or laser power, wavelength range, spectral resolution, or detector temperature range.

Model Laser Wavelength Range Laser Power Average Spectral Resolution Detector Temperature
EZ-N-5B1S-162 532 nm 100-3300 cm-1 0-50mW 7 cm-1 -30 Deg C below Ambient 
EZ-N-5C1S 532 nm 100-4000 cm-1 0-50mW 10 cm-1 -30 Deg C below Ambient 
EZ-N-7A1S-10-112 785 nm 100-2200 cm-1 0-350 mW 6 cm-1 -30 Deg C below Ambient 
EZ-N-7A2S-10-112 785 nm 250-2350 cm-1 0-300 mW 6 cm-1 -30 Deg C below Ambient 
EZ-N-7B1S-10-112 785 nm 100-3300 cm-1 0-300 mW 7 cm-1 -30 Deg C below Ambient 

Leistungsmerkmale & Vorteile

  • Improved sensitivity with high throughput (f/1.6) optical design
  • Shorter integration time give better reaction monitoring snapshots
  • Actuate and system to system portable Raman data enable confident material identification and chemical analysis
  • No moving parts in instrument provide highly repeatable and reliable spectral data.
  • Intuitive, simple, and powerful software interface
  • No or minimal sample preparation
  • Fiber optic probe enables flexible sampling configuration
  • Compact and robust; easy to move from one location to another
  • Rugged construction for long-term stability and little maintenance
  • Best performance/price ratio in affordable portable Raman analyzer

Zugehörige Materialien

  • Anwendungshinweise
  • Bibliographie


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