TSI Service Request
TSI为您提供支持: 我们致力于为您提供最高标准的产品服务,维修和校准。一个专业的专家团队将带您的仪器,得到它的服务,并尽快寄回给您。 点击 这里查询TSI 在全球范围内的服务中心。
Don’t have a TSI account yet?
No problem - It’s easy to register and submit a request. Click here to register.
Don't forget that by registering for an online TSI account, you can easily:
If you prefer to create a Service request as a guest, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Access the website: https://tsi.com/support/guest-service-request/
Step 2: Fill out company information
Option 1 - Provide account number and postal code and click “GET ACCOUNT” and fill out drop down and click NEXT (bottom of page):
- Bill to Contact
- Ship to Contact
- Ship to Address
- Bill to Address
Option 2 - Fill out information manually and click NEXT (bottom of page).
Step 3: Fill out instrument information (serial number or name/material) and click “GET SERVICE OPTIONS”
Step 4: Select Service Options from dropdown. Option to FastTrak.
Step 5: Fill out “Return reason” and “Special Requirements” and click NEXT
Step 6 (Optional): Add another instrument into same order “Add another instrument by following Step 3 to Step 5. Click NEXT when all instruments have been added into order.
Step 7: Select shipping method
Step 8: Add payment detail and click NEXT
Step 9: Review Order and SUBMIT