Hospitals and pharmacies “behind the eight ball” for USP <800>?

Hospitals and pharmacies “behind the eight ball” for USP <800>?According to a recent article in Pharmacy Practice News, Time Running out on USP <800>? [This article requires free registration to access], consultants are reporting widespread backlogs and delays in USP <800> compliance preparation. The article by Karen Blum quotes Visante Senior VP Greg Burger, who says he is, “seeing product delays and equipment delays of up to 13 to 14 weeks . . .”

Upgrades to room pressure and HVAC systems pose major obstacles to USP <800> compliance and can be the most expensive changes to make. However, these changes can boost long-term performance and cost-effectiveness. TSI Critical Environments Product Marketing Manager, and industry expert, Dave Ruhland said, “Done properly, USP <800> upgrades can improve efficiency, maintenance and training time, and contamination control. For example, low-pressure drop HVAC components reduce energy consumption. And, a room pressure controller that doesn’t drift, like PresSura™ RPC30 Room Pressure Controller, is a significant maintenance time-saver.”

The December 1, 2019 deadline to comply is coming up fast. Hospitals and pharmacies have only about 270 days left to fulfill the requirements.

If you’re feeling the pressure, we can help. Learn more about TSI USP <800> compliance program solutions at

Posted on 2019/3/12

Filed under: Healthcare & Medical