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Your Partner in Excellence for Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Health Practices

Your Partner in Excellence for Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Health Practices

TSI is committed to supporting the highest safety and health standards in nuclear power plants through advanced monitoring and precision-engineered solutions. Our comprehensive systems detect harmful emissions, track airborne contaminants, and monitor noise and vibration...

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9545

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9545

VELOCICALC®空气流速仪9545是具有普通仪表价位的多功能仪表。该仪表使用一个具有多个传感器的探头同时测量和记录几种通风参数。请求报价Other Models A其他可用型号说明请求报价9545-AC包括ISO 17025空气速度和湿度认证请求报价9545-A 包括铰接探头.请求报价9545-A-AC包括铰接式探头和ISO 17025空气速度、温度和湿度认证。请求报价

Qualitative Fit Testing with FitPro Ultra Fit Test

Qualitative Fit Testing with FitPro Ultra Fit Test

Available in US only. Software application with step-by-step guidance on conducting a qualitative fit test (QLFT) consistently and correctly.Sold in Package Pricing. Software Only (Laptop not included).

OmniTrak Carbon Monoxide Module

OmniTrak Carbon Monoxide Module

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Module for TSI OmniTrak™ Solution.This product is only available in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Switzerland, Norway and Australia. 

SidePak AM520 Personal Aerosol Monitor

SidePak AM520 Personal Aerosol Monitor

个人暴露粉尘仪提供PM10、中国呼吸性粉尘、PM2.5、PM1和0.8 dpm的实时气溶胶质量浓度读数。是铸造厂、建筑、炼油厂、石化、陶瓷、航空航天、采矿和汽车的完美解决方案。

277 results found