Quest Edge 8 Personal Noise Dosimeter
NOTE: Now available in the US and Canada. Coming soon to more regions.
TSI Quest™ Edge Personal Noise Dosimeter is a powerful and intuitive instrument designed for identifying hearing loss threats and informing the design of hearing protection programs and engineering...
Quest Sound Examiner Sound Level Meters SE-400 Series
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9565-P
便携手持式 VelociCalc® 多功能通风表9565-P特点:直读式菜单用户界面,便于按用户的本地语言操作。即时屏幕提示及分步说明指导用户进行仪器安装、操作和现场校准。
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9630
The 9630 VelociCalc is a portable, handheld Multi-Function micromanometer featuring a menu-driven user interface for easy operation. The high-resolution color screen displaying multiple measurements simultaneously in real-time with on-screen prompts to guide you through...
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