Multi-Use Air Quality Monitoring Instruments

TSI sets the standard in real-time dust monitoring. Multi-use air quality monitoring instruments for both indoor and outdoor offer devices that measure both mass and size fractions simultaneously. Our desktop aerosol monitor provides real-time aerosol mass readings and collects gravimetric samples for comprehensive air quality analysis. Equipped with advanced light-scattering laser technology and a sheath air system to protect the optics, it ensures long-lasting reliability and low maintenance.

Versatile and suitable for both clean office environments and demanding industrial, construction, and outdoor applications -  ideal for various air quality monitoring needs.


DustTrak™ DRX Aerosol Monitor 8533

Der DRX-Aerosolmonitor von TSI kann sowohl Massen- als auch Größenanteile gleichzeitig messen und... View Product

DustTrak™ DRX Aerosol Monitor 8534

Unser tragbarer DRX-Aerosolmonitor ist ein mehrkanaliges Laser-Photometer für Aerosolmessungen in... View Product

DustTrak Aerosol Monitor Environmental Enclosure

Das Schutzgehäuse 8535 ein tragbares, wetterfestes Gehäuse, das speziell für den Einsatz von... View Product