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DP-Calc Micromanometer 5815

DP-Calc Micromanometer 5815

Mit dem Mikromanometer DP-Calc™ 5815 lassen sich auf einfache Weise Differenzdruckmessungen an HLK-Systemen vornehmen. Dieses strapazierfähige Gerät kann mit Pitot-Sonden verwendet werden, um die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit in Kanälen zu messen.Angebot anfordernAndere verfügbare...

Improving In-Vitro In-Vivo Correlation (IVIVC) for Inhalation Products

Improving In-Vitro In-Vivo Correlation (IVIVC) for Inhalation Products

Enhancing IVIVC for inhalation drugs involves replicating patient breathing, using advanced geometries, simulating lung diffusion, and improving facemask fit, ensuring better lab-to-patient drug performance.

Certifier Plus Test System Overview Video

Certifier Plus Test System Overview Video

In this 7-minute video, our flow analyzer expert walks you through the Certifier Plus Flow Analyzer, showcasing its features for testing biomedical equipment.

TSI Flow Meters Featured in a Recent Study on Manual Ventilation Safety

TSI Flow Meters Featured in a Recent Study on Manual Ventilation Safety

TSI 5300 Flow Meters were featured in a BMJ Innovations study on manual ventilation safety, highlighting their role in measuring tidal volume and pressure to reduce risks with resuscitator bags.

Airflow Instruments Velocity Meter TA430

Airflow Instruments Velocity Meter TA430

Misst Luftgeschwindigkeit, Temperatur / berechnet den Durchfluss mit einer geraden, teleskopischen Sonde / Datenaufzeichnung.Angebot anfordernAndere verfügbare ModelleBeschreibungAngebot anfordernTA430-ACUmfasst die Akkreditierung nach ISO 17025 für Luftgeschwindigkeit und...

The Case for a Facility Monitoring System

The Case for a Facility Monitoring System

Explore how facility monitoring systems are a smart business investment. By minimizing waste, boosting yield, enhancing quality, and driving profits, these systems transform data into actionable insights.

Real-Time Viable Particle Detection for Definitive Root Cause Investigation

Real-Time Viable Particle Detection for Definitive Root Cause Investigation

Real-time viable particle detection revolutionizes root cause investigations, providing immediate feedback to identify contamination sources in critical environments. Unlike traditional methods, it enables prompt, precise analysis, reducing time and cost by minimizing...

Alberta Idealized Throat (AIT)

Alberta Idealized Throat (AIT)

The Alberta Idealized Throat (AIT) is a highly realistic throat model designed to improve in vivo testing for inhalation products.

AeroTrak-Plus Portable Particle Counter A100 Series

AeroTrak-Plus Portable Particle Counter A100 Series

Durchflussrate 28.3 LPM (1 CFM)  - 100 LPM (3,5 CFM) / Kanalgrößen 0,3 µm bis 10 µm,(6) vom Benutzer wählbare Kanäle

Air Velocity Transducer 8465 Series

Air Velocity Transducer 8465 Series

Der Luftgeschwindigkeits-Messdatenumformer 8465 (fensterlos) eignet sich hervorragend zur Messung der Luftgeschwindigkeit in Forschungs- und Entwicklungslaboren, bei Fertigungsprozessen und anderen Anwendungen sowohl für temporäre als auch dauerhafte Installation.

269 results found