Comprehensive Respiratory Protection Testing Solutions

Respirator Fit Testers

Respirators and masks protect emergency responders from airborne hazards, including environmental, chemical, and biohazards. Regular and proper fit testing is crucial for safety. TSI® provides leading respiratory protection testing solutions to help you make informed, data-driven decisions. Enhance your respiratory protection program's efficiency and effectiveness with TSI solutions that support your team's safety and compliance with standards.

What is Respirator Fit Testing?

Fit testing evaluates the seal between a respirator and the face, identifying gaps or leaks. It confirms if a mask provides the necessary protection. Proper fit testing helps to ensure respiratory protection levels are achieved.

Quantitative and Qualitative Fit Testing

Quantitative fit testing (QNFT) is the most accurate method, using data to calculate the fit factor. PortaCount™ equipment measures the fit during exercises, providing step-by-step guidance and easy report generation. Qualitative fit testing (QLFT) is subjective and relies on the user's senses. FitPro™ Ultra Fit Test Software provides visual guidance for consistent and correct testing.


PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester 8040

Das PortaCount™ Atemschutzmasken-Dichtsitzprüfgerät ist ein quantitatives Prüfgerät für den... View Product

PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester 8048

Das PortaCount™ Atemschutzmasken-Dichtsitzprüfgerät ist ein quantitatives Prüfgerät für den... View Product

Qualitative Fit Testing with FitPro™ Ultra Fit Test Software

Das neue PortaCount® Atemschutzmasken-Dichtsitzprüfgerät ist ein quantitatives Prüfgerät für... View Product