Turbo-Vaporizer 2801PE

Artikelnr: 2801PE

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The 2801PE Turbo-Vaporizer™ was designed for high flow, expansive vapors, making it a good solution for high flow TEMAZr applications. This model has the state-of-the art PE atomizer with on-board flow control, and the heat exchanger features wide internal pathways and a long residence time.

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Product Details


300 mm x 117 mm x 173 mm (11.8 in. x 4.6 in. x 6.8 in.)

Fittings (on the unit) Carrier Gas Inlet 1/4 in. VCR female split nut
Liquid Inlet 1/8 in. VCR female
Vapor Outlet 1/4 in. VCR female
Compressed Air 4 mm instant tube fitting
Wetted Parts SS 316, PEEK, PCTFE, PTFE, Kalrez®, Elgiloy®
Leak Integrity <1 x 10-9 scc/sec Helium
Heater Power Requirements 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 300W
Carrier Gas Inert gas recommended
Gas Inlet Pressure Range 0–80 psig inlet pressure
Max. Carrier Gas Flow Rate* N2 15 standard L/min**
Max. Liquid Flow* TEOS equivalent 1,200 g/hr
Max. Liquid Flow* DI Water 120 g/hr
System Pressure Limit 120 psig
Compressed Air 90 to 110 psi
Temperature Range 40°C to 200°C
Vaporizer Body Vacuum tight chamber with multi-stage heat exchanger, SS 316 construction
Temperature Sensor Type K thermocouple

Specifications subject to change without notice
* Liquid and gas flow ranges are affected by liquid and gas type
** Standard model up to 7 standard L/min; up to 15 standard L/min available