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Xinhua news agency reports on testing respirators with PortaCount

Xinhua news agency reports on testing respirators with PortaCountRespirator fit testing was one of several tests that the staff of Shaanxi Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute is carrying out on masks and respirators in China.

The Shaanxi Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute tests products and materials for compliance with national quality regulations. Regulations for these masks are more rigorous for high-level medical protective masks than for other facemasks. Masks for use by healthcare workers like doctors and nurses must pass extensive testing before release to the market.

Besides using PortaCount respirator testing systems to evaluate respirator fit, the Institute conducts other quality testing, including for filtration efficiency, airflow resistance, synthetic blood penetration, surface moisture resistance, microbial indicators, flame retardant performance, and others.

Watch the 2.5- minute Xinhua News video on WeChat

Posted on 09/03/2020

Filed under: Healthcare & Medical