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CA-CALC Abgasmessgerät CA-6316

Artikelnr: CA-6316
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Product Details

Model CA-6316 measures O2, CO, NO2, SO2, draft pressure, supply air temperature, and stack temperature. This use of both the NO2 and the SO2 is best suited for compliance testing agencies with SO2 as the primary target gas. The CA-6216 Compliance Protocol Emissions Analyzers provides the basic Series CA-6300 features which include the on-board verification procedure and integral printer. This verification procedure and printer together provide this analyzer with the capability to perform periodic combustion testing quickly, with ensured accuracy generate complete reports directly from the analyzer. The CA-6316D-KIT comes with a low maintenance hands-free gas dryer in line with the heavy duty 25 foot hose. Optional sensors are available for field installation to measure CO up to 2% and NO. Custom length gas sample probe/hose assemblies are available.

Zugehörige Materialien

  • Handbücher


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