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Alnor LoFlo Balometer Capture Hood 6200F

Alnor LoFlo Balometer Capture Hood 6200F

Alnor®Loflo®Balometer Capture Hood 6200F是测量非常低体积流量的理想方法。自信而准确地测量从10到500 cfm(17到850 m3/h)的供应或回流。

Airflow Instruments Rotating Vanes LCA301

Airflow Instruments Rotating Vanes LCA301


Calibrate and Repair Your TSI Flow Instrument with ISO 17025 Accreditation

Calibrate and Repair Your TSI Flow Instrument with ISO 17025 Accreditation

TSI offers ISO 17025:2017 accredited calibration and repair services for Flow instruments, ensuring high quality standards with multi-point data and NIST-traceable certificates.

Airflow Instruments Velocity Meter TA410

Airflow Instruments Velocity Meter TA410

Airflow™风速仪 TA410是数字风速仪的可靠选择,不会影响精度和精度。适用于暖通空调系统故障排除、设备维护和调试工作。

Myth Busting Fume Hood Controls

Myth Busting Fume Hood Controls

This video debunks myths about fume hood controls, comparing sash position control and sidewall sensing to guide safer lab control system choices.

AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9110

AeroTrak Portable Particle Counter 9110

流速1 CFM (28.3 LPM) 精确度±5% / 粒径范围 0.100 to 10.0 µm

Facility Monitoring System

Facility Monitoring System

OPC UA客户机/服务器能够监控粒子数量和其它环境参数,这对于减少浪费、提高产量、提高质量和增加利润具有重要的商业意义

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