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DUSA Shaker 0001-01-8630

DUSA Shaker 0001-01-8630

The DUSA Shaker DTS 100i is a very reliable and consistent solution for dissolving collected drug during Delivered Dose Uniformity (DDU) testing.

Air / Oxygen Gas Mass Flow Meter (plus Kit) 5220-2

Air / Oxygen Gas Mass Flow Meter (plus Kit) 5220-2

范围:0至±30 std l/min 准确度:读数的2% 校准:空气、氧气、氮气 包括标准配件套件

Certifier™ Plus Test System Standard Kit 4080-S-AC

Certifier™ Plus Test System Standard Kit 4080-S-AC

全功能气体流量分析仪, 能够测试大多数类型的呼吸机和其他医疗设备。

Certifier Flow Analyzer Interface Module Kit 4078

Certifier Flow Analyzer Interface Module Kit 4078

显示模块,与Certifier® FA高流模块4076或Certifier® FA低流模块4072一起工作 

Certifier Flow Analyzer Low Flow Module Kit 4072

Certifier Flow Analyzer Low Flow Module Kit 4072

低流量模块与Certifier® FA 界面显示模块4078一起工作,主要用于麻醉气体输送机的测试范围:最高15标准信用证/分钟 气体校准:空气,氧气,N2O

Airflow Instruments Rotating Vanes LCA501

Airflow Instruments Rotating Vanes LCA501

Air flow™仪器旋转叶片LCA501是一种手持式数字旋转叶片风速仪,用于测量空气速度和体积流量。

269 results found