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Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer AVM440

Alnor Velometer Thermal Anemometer AVM440


Alnor LoFlo Balometer Capture Hood 6200D

Alnor LoFlo Balometer Capture Hood 6200D

Alnor®Loflo®Balometer Capture Hood 6200D是测量非常低体积流量的理想方法。自信而准确地测量从10到500 cfm(17到850 m3/h)的供应或回流。

PM2.5 vs. PM10: Why They Sometimes Read the Same and What it Means for Commercial Indoor Air Quality

PM2.5 vs. PM10: Why They Sometimes Read the Same and What it Means for Commercial Indoor Air Quality

Learn about particulate matter in commercial indoor air and why PM2.5 and PM10 can sometimes have the same readings. Discover the implications for IAQ monitoring and how it can help protect health.

VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9565-A

VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9565-A

便携手持式 VelociCalc® 多功能通风表 9565-A 的特点:直读式菜单用户界面,便于按用户的本地语言操作。即时屏幕提示及分步说明指导用户进行仪器安装、操作和现场校准。

221 results found