Airflow™ Instruments

Airflow™ instruments are accurate, high quality, professional-grade instruments used by a wide range of customers, including building service contractors, commissioning specialists, facility engineers and research professionals.

Designed for professionals in HVAC, IAQ, and safety applications, these instruments offer precise, reliable measurements for critical tasks such as ventilation system balancing, duct traversing, fume hood testing, and overall air quality assessments.

Known for their rugged design, easy-to-use interfaces, and durable construction, Airflow™ Instruments help professionals achieve optimal indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and ensure compliance with safety standards. Trusted by facility managers, HVAC technicians, and environmental specialists, these tools deliver unmatched accuracy and efficiency in air measurement tasks.


Airflow Instruments Capture Hoods

Airflow Instruments Duct Leakage Testers

Airflow Instruments Micromanometers

Airflow Instruments Multi-Function Anemometers

Airflow Instruments Rotating Vanes

Airflow Instruments Velocity Meters