Alnor Balometer Capture Hood EBT731
EBT731 Balometer®捕获罩是一种多用途电子空气平衡仪器,主要用于有效地读取扩散器和格栅处的直接空气量读数。EBT具有一个可拆卸的微压计,可与可选探针一起使用,以提高在多种测量应用中的灵活性。
VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9600
The 9600 VelociCalc is a portable, handheld Multi-Function Ventilation and IAQ test instrument featuring a menu-driven user interface for easy operation. The high-resolution color screen displays multiple measurements simultaneously in real-time with on-screen prompts to guide...
VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9515
VELOCICALC®数字风速计9515是经济型的数字风速计。专业人员发现9151是通风柜,喷淋室,或通风系统检查面风速测量的理想工具。添加到购物车其他可用型号说明请求报价9515-AC包括ISO 17025空气速度和温度认证。请求报价
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