AirAssure 8144-4 Indoor Air Quality Monitor
AirAssure™ 8144-4 IAQ Monitor measures formaldehyde, CO, VOCs, CO2, particulate matter, barometric pressure, temperature and relative humidity. The AirAssure™ IAQ Monitor in combination with TSI Link™ Solutions software are essential to creating, managing, and deploying your...
IAQ-Calc Indoor Air Quality Meters 7525
7525 型同时测量和数据记录多个参数,如二氧化碳 (CO2)、温度和湿度;并计算露点、湿球温度、和室外空气百分比。
DP-Calc Micromanometer 5815
DP-Calc 微压计 5815 使您能够轻松进行暖通空调压力检测。此款结构稳固的仪器可配套皮托管探头用于检测管道流速。请求报价其他可用型号说明请求报价5815-AC包括 ISO 17025 压差认证. 请求报价
Hydronic Manometer HM675
Certifier™ Low Flow Module 4082-AC
低流量模块与Certifier® FA+界面显示模块4088一起工作,主要用于麻醉气体输送机的测试范围:最高20标准信用证/分钟
Alnor LoFlo Balometer Capture Hood 6200E
Alnor®Loflo®Balometer Capture Hood 6200e是测量非常低体积流量的理想方法。自信而准确地测量从10到500 cfm(17到850 m3/h)的供应或回流。
Certifier Pro Flow Analyzers
The Certifier™ Pro Flow Analyzer combines high flow and low flow measurements with pressures, oxygen concentration, and temperature. This multi-function pneumatic test instrument can measure 28 different test parameters and graph data in real-time.
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